Page 60 of My Lucky Charm


My entire life fits into seven boxes. A chuckle escaped my lips, my shoulders shuddering. That would make for a good line on a dating site.

Doesn’t come with much baggage, literally.

Thankfully nothing was too heavy. Nicole had promised to clear her schedule to come with me, but I refused. There wasn’t much to pack and it wasn’t like Byrce was here. The boys even offered to help and were met with the same response.

“It’s alright I can do this on my own.”

That phrase had become my mantra for a while. If wasn’t that Icoulddo things on my own, it was that I had to. There would be no more leaning on anyone for help. Love and having someone there for me wasn't in my deck of cards, a fact I had come to terms with in the last twenty-four hours.

A gentle rap on the door had me bolting upright and nearly dropping the box I was trying to pick up.

“Do you already have somewhere to stay?” Claire's voice was a gentle reminder of how sweet this family could be.

Claire stood at the door with Morgan; both looking an equal amount of pissed and melancholy.

“I uhh, honestly? No. I’m staying with Nicole so I can get here each morning. Long term I have no idea. The place I thought would work didn’t pan out.”

Resigning so I no longer had to come to the farm was the first thing that came to mind. Never looking at another cowboy or farm was next. The squeezing of my chest hurt so damn bad right now. I hadn’t even told them yet that I didn’t plan to be here past two weeks. When they all rushed to Lilly’s side I knew it would be selfish to put more on their plates.

Morgan grabbed a box off the floor. She was Evan's best friend and lived in one of the smaller cottages on the road behind the store. It was far enough from everything that she had privacy but close so that she didn’t have a far walk to work.

“There is a house a few miles past mine. No one has lived there since Freddy and Mira moved out on their own. We talked about it, screw the boys if they don’t agree. Would you stay there?”

Her eyes lit up at the prospect of having a neighbor. Except, I couldn’t say yes. I wanted so much to give in to her request.

“I guess now is as good a time as any. Claire. I need to put in…”

The ponytail holding her hair back, bounced as she shook her head. “Hannah, you are a damn good worker. You got this job because of that. My brother has his head up his ass, not that it’s uncommon for any of them.” She looked over at Morgan giving her the same apologetic look. “I am not going to let you quit something you do so well because of him.”

Her hands were pulling the box from my hands as she spoke. “I don’t know his plans. Don’t really care much right now if I’m being honest. You, however, I care about your plans. We need you here. So please, make your commute easier. Give us some time and we will make sure that you don’t have to see or hear about that little prick.”

The ghastly laugh I let out caused my hands to fly to my mouth.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you to call him a prick.”

“Oh please, Hannah, that’s the least colorful word I have used for my brothers.”

Morgan chuckled next to her, “she’s right. I have heard some pretty good ones. She also has a point. We need you around here. The testosterone is out of control. I love Bryce and having him around but he’s being an idiot right now. He’s going to come around and realize he let go of the best thing to ever happen to him.”

“Guys I appreciate the vote of confidence but what he said to me. No, it wasn’t even what it was, it washowhe said it. He knew he would hurt me when he said those words and he didn't stop. I told him I would be by today and he could have told me not to leave. He didn’t. He has made his choice.”

They both gave a nod and helped me to my car.

“Do you want to at least see the place before you say no?” Claire closed my trunk with a loud thunk.

Every ounce of my body screamed no but punishing her for her brothers’ actions wasn’t fair. Leaving this job because of him and leaving them without help wasn’t fair either.

“Sure. I mean what can it hurt?”

The dirt path from where Bryce’s house was and the one Morgan and Claire were insisting I would love, was bumpy. When we pulled up outside I had to hold back a gasp of air from exiting my mouth. The house wasn’t a small run down cottage like I assumed it would be. It was… perfect.

The porch wasn’t huge but it held a few rocking chairs. Chairs I could easily imagine sitting in after work, enjoying a nice cup of sweet tea, and watching kids run around the front yard. The house was a crisp, freshly painted white. The door was stained a light oak, and half of the door was a stained glass window, with a screen door covering the whole thing. Two rectangular black lights sat on each side of the door and baskets were hanging with greenery around the white-trimmed porch.

A small semi-circle garden bed was laid out on each side of the steps. Both held mulch but no plants. Yet my mind was able to picture the colorful little gardens they could contain. It was quaint yet absolutely perfect.

“It’s a bit bigger than the place you were at. Four bedrooms, and the master has the most amazing bathroom. Claw foot tub and an oversized shower with the most amazing shower head. There’s room for a vegetable garden in the back.”