Page 43 of My Lucky Charm


My car door had barely closed before I heard Nicole shouting hello from her porch.

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in months. Did you have a nice little vacation?”

“I did. It’s only been a month and a half since you saw me, relaxed over there. The bigger question is, do you ever look less than flawless Nic?”

She held out a glass of sweet tea, as she half hugged me hello. “Shut up. Like you aren’t glowing. Love looks good on you.”

Shaking my head, we settled into the rocking chairs on her front porch. After I got back from my surprise visit with Bryce, work had all but consumed me. There was always something to be doing and someone who needed help around the farm.

I was used to boardroom meetings and hectic executive schedules at my father’s company. The executive work I used to do had nothing on the stress and hard work of farm life. I knew going in that it would be manual labor and long days. Bryce even warned me, farmers are early to bed early to rise. Not that I didn’t believe him, it was more that I didn’t think that I would get consumed by that life. I loved the farm; I lived and breathed farm life now and nothing I experienced in life had been so sweet.

“So, what exactly was this emergency girl's day called for? You’re pregnant aren’t you. Oh, my god!” My voice slowly got louder and higher in pitch with each word. Nicole would make an amazing mom and I couldn’t wait to be close enough to enjoy those moments with her.

“No, nothing like that. Although someone else wouldn’t mind you being on his, knock up Nic, team. I just wanted to check in with you. How are things over there at Gregory Orchards?”

Sipping my drink, I settled myself better on my chair.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my whole life. I mean, I have a degree now, a job I love, the farm is… there aren’t words. The way the whole family welcomed me and made me feel like I belong.”I paused, knowing that out of everyone in my life Nicole knows about my family and struggles. She grew up with my less than ideal upbringing. A mother who was constantly trying to change me, a father who bent over backwards to give me everything I wanted but nothing I needed.

My brothers, Jason and Brennan, weren’t much help. Both were significantly older than I was. They did teach me what they thought I needed to know in life. Jason owned a car dealership but that’s not where he started. He was the one who taught me all about oil changes and rotating tires. I could still remember when Nicole and I were sixteen. He declared if we wanted to learn to drive he could teach us. The only condition was we had to learn about the machine first. Nicole and I dove in head first, learning everything we could so he would let us drive.

Brennan, on the other hand, worked with my father and would one day take over his company. He was the type that if my father said jump; he said how high. There was nothing my brother wouldn’t do to make our parents proud. When I used to work around the office, we used to have lunch together almost every day. Well, the days I went to the office at least. He would spend most of the time questioning what I was doing with my life. Reminding me I wasn’t getting any younger. He was much like Lucas, thinking I needed to settle down and become a mom. It was disgusting that no one thought I was worth more than a vessel to house children.

“Well, I was actually hoping to pick your brain if you don’t mind.”Nicole’s voice snapped me back to our conversation.

“Of course you can. I can’t promise I’ll be much help, but ask away.”

Taking a long drawn out sip from her cup, she seemed nervous. Nicole usually exuded confidence around me and her behavior had me a bit spooked. What could she possibly need me for that would make her nervous?

“Cole and I have all this land. We have an enormous field out in the back that’s just sitting, wasted space. I know you know about running a farm and everything since you went to school.”

She was right that I was fairly knowledgeable about agriculture. While I got my degree, my focus was how to make everything profitable. I knew everything from crop production to handling the animals now. I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

“Would you be able to help me figure out what we could do with the space? Like what we could plant there or if it’s even possible to grow things out there? I’d love to rebuild the old barn and get some horses. I just don’t know if the space is big enough or whatever.”

A tear escaped my eye before I could stop it. Wiping it away quickly, I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Oh Han, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sure you have a lot on your plate over there at the farm. I shouldn’t have asked. Just forget I asked.”

“No, no. It’s not that. I just… no one used to ask me for business advice. Now it’s all my life is. The entire Gregory family that’s what they do. They look to me to tell them what they should do in order to make their farm better. It’s surreal most days. I know it’s only been a few weeks but…” I choke on my words. Gulping down the lump I can feel forming in my throat. “I can help you. It would be my pleasure.”

Trailing a step behind Nicole, she brought me out to the fields to show me what she was working with. Her land, though not as expansive as Gregory Orchards, had a lot of potential. After seeing how much space she had and the quality of the soil, we headed back inside.

“If you give me a few days, I can email you some options of what I think you could do. Personally, right off the top of my head, if you’re looking to get horses out there you’re going to need a lot of fencing.”

Nicole’s arms wrapped around me, squeezing tightly.“Thank you. Now, since you’re here already, want to watch my man teach your man how to ride?”

Peering down at my watch I realized how close it was to their rides being on. When I was home, I always kept such a close eye on the time.


My voice caught in my throat as I went to answer. For the first time since moving out here on my own I felt like I had a home. There was warmth and love surrounding me every day. Claire had invited me to their weekly dinners, but I had yet to attend one. While I knew they have welcomed me with open arms, it was hard to accept their invitation.

“Sure. But I think you have that backwards. Bryce is going to kick Coles ass tonight. You just wait and see.”

Chapter Eighteen