Page 44 of My Lucky Charm


My newest guilty pleasure was staring at the screen on my phone. Hannah’s smiling face glowing back at me. My nerves had been unsettled since she left our one day of heaven. For the first time since I started riding something felt off. I couldn’t place what it was though.

Cole had noticed me being less than chipper and I immediately played it off that I missed Hannah. He gave me a speech about getting my head in the game, that pussy would be there when I was done.

If only that’s all I thought of Hannah. She was so much more than just someone I slept with. Not that sex wasn’t the most amazing experience of my life. When I was with her, with or without, clothing it felt like a missing piece of me was back. I didn’t want to ruin things with her but I knew she was it for me. Telling her that would just scare her off. Instead, I cautiously sent messages every so often saying I missed her or was thinking of her. Nothing over the top, just enough to remind her she was on my mind.

Every ounce of me wanted to talk to her all day. Know what she was doing. Texting her too often would surely scare her though. The only bright side was when I did get the courage to message her, she would answer immediately. In my mind I hoped it was because she was sitting there waiting for me to talk. Yes, I was in over my head with her. It was a welcome obsession that was forming.

Securing my helmet on my head, I shifted my torso. This stupid vest would be the death of me. It was so uncomfortable. Yes, I knew it was for my own protection but that didn’t make it more comfortable to wear.

The rope looped around my hand over and over. My fingers grasping tightly around and tugging it into place. This bull wasn’t happy under my weight. It was never a good sign when they were ready to buck before the chute even opened.

With his hand under my elbow, Cole had the same look in his eyes that I felt crawling under my skin. Something wasn’t right.

“You good Bryce?”He wasn’t asking if I was ready for the ride. Cole could sense that this bull was going to make me work for my points tonight. That he wasn’t going to make it easy on me.

This was my last chance to say screw this, I’m out. Shoving the uncertainty down I nodded.

“I’m good.”

Normally I started my ride before the countdown. Today everything was off. I could see the giant thirty light up and begin ticking. I had thirty seconds before the chute would open and my time to ride the bull needed to begin. It’s only eight seconds, I reminded myself. Eight measly seconds that I had to hold on for. I could do this.

The metal unlatched and swung away from us as the bull bucked with all its might. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought someone stuck him with a hot poker on our exit. There was a silence that overtook my ears as I focused on his movements.

Time was a mystical thing when I was on a bull. It was moving in slow motion, each move we made exaggerated in the moment. Yet time was accelerated too. Everything around me was a blur of colors and sounds. Moving so fast I could barely make anything out.

That was until I heard the sound of the timer hitting eight. Glorious number eight. I loosened my grip on the rope, ready to evacuate my position when my hand got snagged.

My body flipped to the side, dragged as the bull continued to rid himself of me. Didn’t he know I wanted out as bad as he did right now? Then the rope snapped.My body fell to the ground with a bone crushing thud. I could hear Cole scream “roll” but I couldn’t move fast enough before I felt the full weight of my bulls hind legs crushing into my body.

“Fuck move him!”Cole’s voice rang out above everyone else’s.

I could see people scramble around me screaming. The crowd made gasping sounds as things faded in and out. Another crushing feeling was followed by sounds of terror from the crowd.

“Bryce. Bryce. Don’t move. Fuck. Where the hell are the sports medicine people?”

Cole was at my side. I could hear his voice but my vision was getting blurry. Opening my mouth nothing came out. Instead, the blinding lights above me faded in and out until all I could see was darkness.


One Week Later

The doctors and nurses had been in and out of my room at all hours. Each one commenting about the severity of my injuries. When the bull slammed its hooves into me, the crew moved quickly to get me to safety.

From what I gathered I had a spinal injury, one the doctors were confident with rest and physical therapy I would rebound from. The term, you’re young kept getting thrown around like it was some sort of saving grace. With a broken arm in two places, crushed ribs, bruised hip, and a broken leg, I wasn’t so sure being young helped me much.

They kept me heavily sedated to let my body rest. Every day I could hear visitors coming and going, speaking in hushed tones so as to not disturb me. It was impossible for me to carry on conversations and I didn’t even know who was here most days.


Two Weeks Later

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The rhythmic beeping of the hospital machines filled my ears.

“I knew this would happen. He never should have been out there.”