Page 10 of My Lucky Charm

“You guys are staying at the same place right? Instead of wasting two cab fares, why don’t you guys just split it?”

Nicole looked right at me as she spoke. There was something mischievous in the way she said it. Probably knowing there was no way in hell I was going to split a fare with Hannah. It wasn’t in me to make a lady pay.

For the first time since she went to the bathroom I finally had enough nerve to make eye contact with her.

“She has a point. I mean, if you’re comfortable riding me. I mean back with me. Shit, that came out wrong. If you’re okay sharing a ride to the hotel. I mean it makes sense.”

Drawing her bottom lip between her teeth she bit nervously at it while looking at her friend. She needed the reassurance that she was going to be safe and okay. Once Nicole gave her the slightest head nod, she spoke. Thankfully, my blunder wasn’t enough to scare her away.

“I guess that’s okay.”

Once we said our goodbyes and Cole told me we could meet up tomorrow to discuss things, we were on our way.

The silence in the cab was deafening. There wasn’t a single thing I could think of that didn’t sound like I was forcing a conversation. Until the most innocent thought popped into my head.

“My family farm, we just started up a new program. It’s actually pretty cool. My brother thought it up. We take in rescue horses and rehabilitate them. Kids and veterans come by for free to help take care of them and teach them how to love life again. Pretty sure it’s a mutual thing though.”

Glancing over she smiled shyly.“That sounds really nice.”

“We have something for everyone at the farm. It started as just apple picking. We have this massive orchard. I used to be able to name every kind we grew, but it’s out of hand now. Pumpkins too. We want to start like a fall festival. Now that Devins home we probably will. In the spring and summer we do the usual berries and vegetables ya know? People in town make their own jams and soaps and random shit and they sell it at our little store. That’s usually where I am since I fucking hate being out on the tractor all day.”

I hadn’t realized until I started talking, how much I cared about our farm. How much it meant to me.

“Then there are the animals. My sister-in-law helps my brother Evan with them. Cows, sheep, goats, a few pigs, horses, and of course chickens.”

“Well, of course. What kind of farm doesn’t have chickens? That would be absurd.”

She giggled to herself and for the first time tonight I saw a genuine smile cross her face. It was beautiful to look at. Better than any sunrise or sunset I had ever seen. I found myself staring for a moment too long before I spoke again.

“Exactly. It’s why the whole bull riding thing isn’t as black and white as Cole sees it. The farm is a lot of work. I would love to just pick up and follow him and do all these competitions but there’s a lot of risk. I would be leaving a lot behind.”

Before she could say anything the cab jolted to a stop outside the hotel. Reading the fare I grabbed my wallet and paid. She looked over at me and I could see the wheels in her head turning as she calculated her half of the fare.

Stepping out I helped her from the cab. She dug through her bag and pulled out her wallet.

“I’m not taking your money Hannah.”

“But we said we would split the fare.”

“No. I said it was a good idea to share the ride back. I never agreed to take your money.”

Still she held the money out toward me.

“I’m not taking it Hannah. I wasn’t raised like that.”

Searching my face to see if I was serious she slowly took the money and shoved it back into her bag. This apparently wasn’t something she was used to. It was a damn shame that men didn’t know how to treat a woman. Something as simple as paying for a meal or cab fare wasn’t so hard was it? Or like the curb rule. Not to mention opening doors and making sure they got to their door safely expecting nothing in return. Now wonder she expected something when I walked her to her door the other night.

“Is this that whole cowboy thing Nicole told me about?”

“No idea. Maybe I could take you out for ice cream or something and you can explain it to me. Shit, that sounded like a really cheesy line. You don’t have to go out with me. Forget I said anything.”

She laughed, and I wasn't sure if it was out of nervousness or at me. We were almost at the elevators, and the idea of spending more time with her was the only thing on my mind.

“Thanks for the offer but my ass doesn’t need it. The ice cream I mean.”

“Don't know what you mean. Your ass is perfect.” My eyes grew wide as I realized I said that aloud.

“Shit, that was really rude wasn’t it? You know what? I’m going to go back to my room and uh yeah. Have a good night I guess.”