Page 11 of My Lucky Charm

Turning around, I headed toward the stairs knowing an elevator ride would be torture. The door slammed behind me. Pausing at the bottom step my legs were not looking forward to the multiple flights after my ride today. I had forgotten how sore it could make you get whipped around on an animal.

“You can’t honestly tell me you want to walk up those stairs right now.”

Hearing her voice behind me, I spun around quickly.

“The alternative of saying something stupid on the ride is a bit less appealing.”

“What if I promise I won’t hold anything you say against you?”

Debating it, the stairs were not a favorable option.

“Fine. I’m just keeping my mouth shut. Better safe than sorry.”

Walking a step behind her to the elevator I tried to not open my mouth or look down at her ass. Once enclosed in the metal box she turned to me.

“You really love the farm don't you?”

I nodded. Refusing to speak.

“But I saw the look on your face when you rode. You might love the farm and your family but if you want my personal opinion, which I’m sure you don’t, you belong there. Riding is in your blood.”Just as she finished her sentence the doors opened for her floor.“Have a good night Bryce.”

She walked away leaving me stunned and frozen with her words. Riding felt like it was in my blood but I hadn’t ever told anyone that. It was like she could read me. I had seen Hunter do it to Devin before but never had anyone do it to me.

My heart pounded in my chest wondering when I would see her again. Praying I wouldn’t have to wait too long. If I had learned anything from my siblings, it was that there would be the one person you would meet in your life that would change everything. The minute you met them you just knew. Letting that slip away wasn’t an option.

Chapter Five


If I had learned anything from the last four days, it was that I was a complete moron. Seeing Nicole again was a wake up call. I had lost touch with so many people over the years. Having her embrace me as if no time had passed reminded me of who I used to be.

That was who I needed to find again. The girl who, well she was carrying a lot more weight around her midsection, knew her worth. She didn’t allow someone to make a fool of her. She stood her ground and demanded respect. Somewhere between high school and now I let my confidence get beaten into a small box of what others needed of me.

Walking into my room I wasn’t sure what happened tonight. Sitting in the restaurant I watched everyone talking and enjoying one another’s company. It was like I was floating above the table, watching, but not actually being there.

Bryce needed a push in the right direction was what Cole had said. I hoped I had provided just that when I told him my opinion. He had what it took to go far but his loyalty ran so deep that Cole wasn’t sure if he would ever leave his farm.

I knew little about him and of course the minute I sat down I started sleuthing. His farm was gorgeous. The family photos were a heartfelt touch on the website. Of course it gave me plenty to distract myself while simultaneously wishing my family was like that.

From what I gathered he was the youngest of six. Every photo of his family they had such warm and inviting smiles on their faces. A few photos were of him playing with his nieces and nephew. An immediate panty dropper. Guys with kids were a huge weakness for me.

Shooting a quick text I knew I needed to stop going down this rabbit hole.

Hannah: I know what you did. Not cool at all.

Nicole: don’t know what you mean

The winking emoji at the end contradicting her statement was a red flag.

Hannah: I’m leaving in the morning. He wasn’t interested, anyway. Good try though. When you’re back home, let me know and we can set up to hang out

Nicole: party pooper go find him. He was so interested.

Hannah: It's better to leave things the way they are. No need to complicate his life with mine.

Nicole: you sure you won’t regret that in the morning?

I hated she was right. Bryce seemed like a genuinely nice guy. I wasn't sure she was right that he was interested. Sure he made a comment about my ass but that didn’t really mean much. It sounded like it slipped out.