It feels like a ritual of sorts. I don’t know what to say to this. I feel kind of sheepish to be treated this way. I hadn’t meant for him to feel humble.

He lowers my hand and then locks gazes with me. The warmth and joy pouring out of his gaze threatens to immolate me. Again, I find myself speaking straight from the heart before my brain has a chance to filter it.

“I enjoy your company, Yarvok. I’m at my happiest when we’re together.”

My cheeks burn like fire. I can’t believe I said that. It’s a hell of an admission, and it’s all true. Why did I let myself say that?

“Careful,” he says, a slight smile tugging the corners of his mouth. “If you keep talking like that, I might have to kiss you again.”

I cock an eyebrow at him.

“And here I thought Vakutan were supposed to be daring and bold. You sound like you’re trying to find an excuse to kiss me instead of just doing it.”

“Is that so? I’ve been waiting for an excuse to kiss you all day.”

“Then what’s stopping you?”

He leans in, his hand going to cup my cheek. I sigh on reflex at his touch. I love it when he touches me so gentle and sweet. His breath is warm on my lips, and then their soft touch thrills my heart into a rapid dance.

The kiss deepens, grows more intimate. He explores my mouth with his tongue. I lash my own against it, feeling my chest grow fluttery like a thousand butterflies in flight.

Yeah, so this is probably why I’m so willing to invest.



Ipull her into my embrace, my heart beating a mad tattoo inside of my chest. I have yearned to feel her lips upon my own all day.

My hand slides down to her lower back, the sinuousness of her form exciting me in ways I never thought possible. Her taste is exquisite. We come up for air, our eyes meeting. I can feel her warmth pouring out through that gaze. I would do anything to make her feel this good all the time.

“Olivia…” her name is sweet on my tongue. Not nearly so sweet as her lips. I move in and press my lips upon her own once more.

She moans into my mouth. I let my fingers on her back slide a bit further down, stroking the slope of her ass. She presses herself into me even tighter, encouraging me to take it further.

I caress her sweet, rounded bottom and it’s as exquisite as I dreamed. I am utterly lost in the moment. There is nothing between us but a thin layer or two of clothing—

An ear piercing shriek causes us to break apart. We both look off into the brush at the edge of the lot.

“Did you hear that?” I ask warily.

“Yes,” she says. “It sounded awful.”

“I have a bad feeling about this.”

Four pairs of eyes appear in the brush, glowing red with menace. A strange creature crawls into the clearing around the lot. It has a roughly ape-like torso, with four arms and two stout legs. It walks with a semi bipedal stride, sometimes upright and sometimes on all fours. That is, all sixes.

Its head looks like the worst attributes of a carnivorous ape and an arachnid. Its mandibles open up wide and a mouth gapes wide, letting out the shriek again.

The shriek is repeated, and more than a dozen more hop up to the clearing.

“I know what these are,” she gasps. “I heard about them on the space liner on the way here. They’re called a°gru´ips and they’re very dangerous.”

“I see.” My eyes dart about the clearing as more and more of the beasts hop, lurk, or crawl into sight. There must be over twenty of them. “And are they intelligent?”

“They’re not considered a sapient species, no, but I think it’s illegal to kill them unless you have no other choice.”

“I see,” I say with considerably less enthusiasm. “Very well, I will try to hold myself back.”