I search the gathered six limbed primates. They have the attributes of primates and arthropods. Could they have similar social structures?

If they are more insect-like in their temperament, then the leader of their band may not even be present. If, however, they are more like primates, then the leader should be the strongest one of all.

I scan the area and find that there is one a°gru´ips bigger than all the others. It has a red stripe of fur running down the middle of its head. I lock eyes with it in a blatant challenge.

It works. The big creature rushed into the clearing and pounds four fists onto the dirt. Then it rears up and beats its chest like a drum.

I decide the best way to communicate with it is to respond in kind. I pound my fists into the dirt and then rear up to my full, considerable height. I beat my chest with such fervor it hurts, but the sound is three times as loud as what the alpha was able to generate.

I’ve called his bluff. The alpha charges at me. I time my move carefully. When he leaps into the air, intent on landing on me and pounding me like he did the dirt, I side step him and let his chin connect with my knee.

The impact rattles my leg, but the creature flops hard on his belly. I pick up the alpha by the scruff of his neck and throw him out of the clearing.

The others don’t think twice. They run out of the clearing like mad.

“Nobody messes with Olivia,” I snarl in their wake.



Ihave to admire Yarvok even more than I did before. Not only did he save us from the space baboons, but he did so with such perfect aplomb none of them were even killed.

I’m sure the alpha is going to be aching for a while, but I suspect it will recover. Any Vakutan probably could have torn those things apart limb from limb. But Yarvok assessed the situation calmly and came up with a solution that inflicted the minimum amount of harm.

There’s nothing like a man who can think during a crisis, not to mention a man who can take care of you in a pinch. Can take care of you period.

If he didn’t already get my motor running, it certainly would be now.

Yarvok comes over toward me and I have to resist the urge to pinch my nose shut.

“Ugh, you smell like one of those things now.”

He sniffs his shirt and grimaces.

“You might be right. I guess I hit him so hard his musk glands went off.”

“that or he has a protective stink spray like a skunk from Earth.”

Yarvok laughs and looks himself over.

“I suppose I need a shower.”

He runs over to the lake and leaps into it. He strips off his shirt and wades over to the waterfall.

Yarvok makes a big show of scrubbing himself like he’s taking a shower. I roll my eyes but I can’t stop myself from laughing.

When he gets out of the lake, he smells, well, better, but—

“You still need a shower, but at least you won’t stink up my car, now.”

He starts to get into the car and I grab the control pad and lock the door.

“No way, you’re dripping wet. Go stand behind the thruster array on the hovercar, we’ll get you dried off in a jiffy.”

Once he’s been blown dry, I allow him into my luxury hover car. Yarvok and I replay the day as we travel through the air, all of the highlights and lowlights. We cheer the former and laugh at the latter.

“How do you feel?” he asks from the passenger seat.