Philippe cleared his throat. ‘The press secretary got a response about the invasion of privacy into your patient.’

She turned to face him.

He spoke slowly. ‘It seems that as soon as the story broke on US news and the photos were released, everyone started talking. News stations asked anyone that knew you to phone in.’

Arissa cringed.

Philippe looked carefully at her. ‘Amal called the TV station himself. He was excited. He saw his doctor on the TV and wanted to tell them how brilliant she was. He took his mother’s phone and just dialled the number on the screen. His mother didn’t even know that he’d done it until later.’ Philippe gave a gentle shake of his head. ‘The TV station asked him to send a clip and he filmed himself. That’s why the clip was wobbly.’

Arissa’s mouth was open. She couldn’t help it. Of course. Kids were so savvy these days on all social media, and Amal was the original cheeky kid. It was exactly the kind of thing he would do. She sagged back in the seat and swallowed. The press hadn’t invaded the privacy of one of her patients. It might still not be entirely above board, but Amal had contacted them.

Philippe continued. ‘His mother, of course, contacted the station later. But she didn’t withdraw permission for them to use the clip.’ He paused for a bit. ‘We do think there were a few other dubious enquiries regarding some of your patients. We made a complaint to the national press agency and that’s been acknowledged and will be followed up.’

Arissa took a deep breath as the car slid to a halt.

She tried to collect her thoughts. Had she overreacted yesterday? Now she knew Amal had made contact himself. But it sounded as if there could still be a few underlying issues. She knew at heart she wouldn’t be able to let those go. Ensuring the privacy of her patients would always be at the forefront in her mind. Philippe climbed out of the car and turned, holding his hand out towards her.

She hesitated for the briefest of seconds before accepting his hand and getting out.

The fire and rescue station was busy. The crew were all enthusiastic about the latest project and anxious to help in any way they could.

‘Welcome to bedlam!’ said the captain, holding up his hands. ‘I keep telling them to leave the workmen to get on with it, but they can’t stop talking about the project!’

Arissa smiled. Enthusiasm was good. Enthusiasm was something she could harness.

Philippe had moved over and was locked in a conversation with one of the workmen who was standing with a huge sledgehammer, ready to burst a hole in the wall.

‘It’s great to see Prince Philippe back.’ The captain smiled. ‘And great that he’s finally getting the opportunity to fulfil his role.’

It was the way he said the words and the familiarity of his gaze towards Philippe.

Arrisa couldn’t help but ask. ‘You know him?’

The captain nodded. ‘Since he was a boy. The King and I served together a thousand years ago in the army. We’ve remained friends. I’ve watched these children grow up.’ He sounded vaguely proud.

Curious, she asked, ‘And what do you think?’

He smiled at her. ‘About Philippe? He’s made for this. He’s going to make such a difference. Our health service has needed an overhaul for such a long time. He’s so invested in this. After his recent experience no wonder.’ He put his hand on his chest. ‘At heart, Philippe’s a doctor. He’ll always think like a doctor and act like a doctor. But for his country?’ He nodded slowly. ‘He knows what has to be done. He knows how hard it will be. I think free maternity care could make the world of difference in Corinez, and I can’t think of a single person who could do the job better than he can.’

Pride. It was there in every word. She could see the admiration in the guy’s eyes. The respect.

Part of her ached. Because that was exactly how she felt too. She loved him. She admired him. She respected him. None of what had happened had been his fault. Maybe he should have second-guessed the possibility, but could she really have expected him to, when it hadn’t happened before?

Something the captain had said intrigued her. ‘What happened before?’