With Jacques’ help and a quick call to the hospital she’d managed to set up privileges and been able to take the family to a quiet consultation room where she’d had access to equipment and tests. A few hours later, once the X-rays and blood work had been back, she’d been able to sit them down and explain exactly the treatment that their daughter required.

Both of their faces had been pale. She didn’t blame them. She’d spent much of her doctor life having these kinds of difficult conversations. But, with the right treatment, this child’s chance could be good.

She was still angry about everything that had happened. But she wasn’t going to show that to them. She’d taken the time to listen to the circumstances and made the decision that she’d do what she could to help.

It was so easy to judge. So easy to be angry. Occasionally, it was right to be angry. But right now, all she could focus on was the face of the little sick kid in front of her.

It had got her thinking all over again.

By the time she got back to the palace she felt like a giant bag of sand that someone had snipped a little hole in, and the life was just draining out of her.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out. It took a few seconds for her to scan the email she’d just received. It seemed that even though the research hadn’t been published yet, news of their findings had got out. She was the contact name for the clinic so the email had come to her. There had been a huge product licence offer made for their ointment. She blinked, her fingers typing furiously. There was only one thing in her mind. None of the doctors involved in this were in it for the money. This kind of money could secure permanent staff for the clinic in Temur Sapora. She forwarded it on to all involved, along with her suggestion, and held her breath.

But she didn’t need to. The replies came in fast and furious. Yes after yes.

At last, something was going right.

She collapsed onto her bed. One more day. That was all she had to last. One more day to finish her duties. Then, she’d need to try and find another position. Maybe she could cover sick leave or maternity leave somewhere? This time she would sort out any visa issues herself.

She rested back on the pillows, trying to focus on her next moves. But, try as she might, her head wouldn’t let her concentrate. As fatigue crept over her, her mind circled with the pictures of her and Philippe and the way they had captured how they’d been looking at each other.

It preyed on her senses, making her skin tremble and her stomach churn.

Somehow, the thought of being in Philippe’s company tomorrow was making her nervous.

But the thought of leaving this place for good and never seeing him again? That made her head swim even more and her heart ache in a way she’d never thought possible.



Arissa was ready, dressed in dark trousers and suit jacket, her suitcase sitting in the corner of the room.

Philippe looked as if he hadn’t slept. He was dressed impeccably as usual, but his handsome face was marred with dark circles and tiny lines around his eyes.

He seemed nervous. ‘Arissa.’ The smile he gave her was strained. ‘Are you ready? I’ve talked with the captain at the fire and rescue station and the workmen have just arrived.’

She gave a nod of her head. Jacques was standing behind Philippe and gave her a reassuring smile. She’d asked to keep her actions yesterday private and somehow she knew he hadn’t betrayed her.

‘Let’s go, then.’ The words came out a little funny. Almost as if she were really saying, Because I can’t wait to get out of here. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about everything.

Philippe shot her a pained glance and answered in his polite tones. ‘After you.’

She stared out of the window of the blacked-out limousine as they travelled through the city. A casino she hadn’t visited. A large white memorial that she’d no idea what it was for. The bustling port filled with cruise ships, and the bus terminal with buses heading up to the ski resort. So many parts of Corinez she hadn’t got to see.

Her throat was dry. She couldn’t stomach tea this morning. Her hands jittered in her lap, no matter how much she tried to still them.