“Well, whatever you’re doing, it’s working for you. Your face and neck is so much thinner, and you still have a great ass.”
I stare at her.
“What?” she asks mildly. “A girl can’t look? No one wants a flat ass. There are girls who have surgery to have an ass that looks like yours.”
“Can we not talk about my ass anymore?”
“Fine,” she huffs. “We won’t talk about your hot ass anymore.”
I laugh, and she pulls me over toward the weights.
I’m super self-conscious to be over here without Lucas to serve as a buffer. A few guys come over as we work out, offering to put weights away for us or to take plates off the bar that some inconsiderate guy left behind once he finished his set even though we weren’t struggling to put them away. It’s all because of Kaylie since those guys never approached me before, and she’s starting to get annoyed.
“I’m not a helpless damsel in distress. Do guys really come to the gym to try to pick up chicks?” she fumes.
“Says the girl who had sex in a gym shower,” I point out.
“This is true. I picked him up, though. Not literally. He picked me up and…”
She gives me far too many graphic details that I didn’t need, but I have to admit that I had a blast working out with her. Kaylie even showed me how to use a few of the machines. This workout is so fun, mostly because it wasn’t with him.
Maybe I should ditch his ass…
But Kaylie might not be able to come six days a week, and I think she might be right. I’m finally making progress, so I shouldn’t knock it.
Besides, if I want to put Lucas in his place, I have to stick around and work with the bastard. All I have to do is not fall for that bewitching smile of his because I have not been able to get the sight of it out of me head since I saw it.
Am I going to be able to break his heart, or will he break mine?
Kaylie begs off before I’m ready to go, and I tell her to go ahead. We’ve only been at it for a half hour, and I’m not ready to go yet.
“I’m sorry. I totally forgot that Eliza asked me to get something for her. I can swing by after I grab it to bring you back to campus,” she promises.
“That’s fine. Thanks.”
“I’m sorry I’m such a terrible gym partner.”
“You’re being a great friend to Eliza. That matters.”
“She’s my roommate. I don’t want to piss her off since she knows where I sleep.”
We both laugh.
“Eliza’s too good a girl to give you any issues,” I say.
“One day, I have a feeling those good girl vibes are going to fall to the wayside,” Kaylie says.
“I don’t know if she’ll ever get to the point of being willing to have sex in a public shower, though.”
“Look, thinks go a little hot and heavy, and we got carried away. It could’ve happened to anyone.”
“Yet that rule wasn’t added until after you did it so…”
Kaylie just holds up her hands and shrugs. “I’ll text when I’m back!”
“Drive safe!”