“Stop messing with me, De Lorenzo. Just tell me.”

“I’m just...I’m nervous, you know.” That’s confirmed when he starts fidgeting with the edges of my sweatshirt. “You’re gorgeous and you have...atinybit more experience than me, and I’m...I don’t know...a little quick on the trigger. It’s gonna be so bad. And it’s gonna take time for me to...get good...but you’re gonna be there every time, just experiencing the abjectfailureof every attempt. I’m nervous to go through that.”

Oh, my God, this guy. “That’s it? That’s all you’re worried about?”

He grips my waist, shifts his legs so he can lift me up, and then he drops me onto my pillow, landing on top of me. “Yeah, that’s it.”

I wrap my arms around him to pull him closer. “You shouldn’t be nervous about that. If anything, you should be nervous to get all up in this because that’s a sure-fire way to fall in love with me. My coochie is like a love trap created by the devil. You’re gonna get in there and you’re not gonna be able to get out without laying down your love as a sacrifice. And the thing is, you’re gonna do it. You’re just that kinda guy.”

“Oh, you think so, huh?” He smirks, and I know what that smirk means now. He’s trying to hide what he’s really thinking.

I search his eyes and find what he’s hiding. It’s there in the tenderness of his gaze, in the way he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear, gently caressing that spot between my neck and earlobe.

“Holy crap!” My eyes widen and I gasp. “You’re falling in love with me already.”

“I’m not,” he counters quickly.

I shove his shoulder. “Shut your lying mouth, De Lorenzo! You are falling harder than a ton of bricks.”

“I’m not.” His smile widens and a titter escapes. “I told you I’m saving myself for Anna Kendrick. Honestly, why would I fall in love with you? It’s not like you’re beautiful...and sexy...and funny...and crazy...and adventurous.” He brushes his lips against mine as his hand slides up my thigh, dragging up the end of my sweatshirt with it. “It’s not like you make my palms sweaty and my heart beat faster.” Dipping his head, he lightly kisses my neck. “It’s not like I think about you all the time.” He kisses his way up my jaw, then pulls my lower lip between his teeth. His brown eyes meet mine, daring me to challenge him. “You’d have to be that kind of amazing topped off with some pretty awesome tits for me to ever fall in love with you, Isabella...Martina Delphina Diaz.”

No, he did not just say that to me. That particularwichugets my face all flushed and I swoon for a solid ten seconds. I stare at him, absorbing every word, and when that undercover message finally sinks in, I narrow my eyes at him. “Boy, you are getting fucked tonight.”

He collapses on top of me, dropping his head onto my shoulder as his body quakes with laughter. “Did you not hear the part about me being really nervous?”

“I don’t care. You are not about to whisper shit like that in my ear and look at me like I rock your entire world and then you expect to leave here without getting naked? No, no, De Lorenzo. That dick is mine tonight.” I reach over to the nightstand and grab a rose. “Here, we’ll even make it special for you.” I rip off the petals and haphazardly toss them all over my bed.

Two petals land on his hair and he shakes his head until they flutter onto me. “Wow. How romantic. My heart just burst into a million butterflies.”

I’m already yanking off his T-shirt. After tossing it on the floor, my hands sneak beneath my sweatshirt, and I shimmy my panties down my thighs. It’s then that his amusement fades and is replaced with a cross between anxiousness and hunger.

He lifts his body so I can take it down to my ankles, his eyes intently watching my every movement. “Wait. Are you serious? We’re really doing this?”

“Unless you don’t want to.”

“I want to.”

The smoldering intensity of his gaze is palpable, cascading over my skin like a current of electricity. It only heightens the expectant energy zipping through me. “Grab my vanity bag over there.”

It’s the one thing other than my cell phone that I always carry around with me, so I keep at least three condoms in there. He reaches for it at the edge of the bed, then hands it to me.

His body tenses when I take one out and rip it open. “Should we maybe...kiss first?”

“No. I’ve been fantasizing about you formonths. I’m...veryimpatient right now.”

Except for a small nod, he remains frozen, unmoving, as he watches me hastily unbutton and unzip his jeans. Staggered breaths fan my lips as I slowly roll on the condom.

“I don’t know what to do,” he confesses softly.

I’m not sure why, but the nervousness in his voice flusters me, because it’s contagious. My stomach twists into a knot. The anticipation of him being inside me is almost too much to bear. “Just do what feels good for you.”

“What if?”

“Whatever’s going through your head, don’t think about it. Just think about me.” Wrapping my fingers around him, I guide him to my entrance. “Think about how wet I am for you.” The blunt head of his cock presses into me and he stops breathing. “You feel it?”

“Y-yes.” The word stumbles out of him in a breathless pant.

“You feel how hot I am?”