Chapter Eleven

STAFF MEMBERS FROM the school district packed the top floor of the ballroom. Across the room, Tommy spotted Page, the art teacher, and her fiancé, Dion. Tommy made his way through the crowd.

He held out his hand to Dion, Ethan's boss. "How are you? Keeping Ethan working hard, I hope?" They shook hands.

Dion grinned. "Yep. That boy will slack off if I don't watch him. We’re raking in sales at the center, though. More Kaitlyn's doing than Ethan's."

Tommy nodded at Page. "Are you helping with the backdrops for the next theater show?"

"They use digital scene changes since the renovation."

"Oh, that's a shame."

Dion took his fiancée’s hand. "She's got more time to do art canvases. I created a website, and the Google ads worked well. She's swamped with orders for the next six months, so we paused the ads."

Tommy dug his hands into his pockets. "That's awesome, Page. Good for you."

She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and smiled. “Thanks.”

Dion nodded to the crowd around them. "What's the plan for the evening? Page and I haven't been to one of these district staff parties before."

"It's a little boring sometimes. Canapés and standing room only. Some staff members stay late, let their hair down, and go for it on the dance floor. I'm usually gone by then, but I hear the funny stories on Monday."

"Right." Dion gave a knowing nod. "We won't stick around either."

Page slapped his chest. "Yes, we will. I love dancing. Maybe we can request, Sway and do a little Cha-Cha." She jiggled her hips.

Dion brushed Page's button nose. "Anything for you, sweetheart."

Gee. Is that what love did to a man? Ethan acted the same. Like a lap dog.

Would it happen to him? He'd have to work on his, "yes, honey" and "whatever you want, dear." Tommy could just picture him and Sarah on her porch swing, his head in her lap.

She’d sigh. "Darling, can you get me another drink?"

He’d snap to attention. "Right away." And that would be the end of his ability to tell her no.