Wow. Those were crazy thoughts. Him and Sarah. He wished.

"I'm going to get some fresh air.” He nodded at Page. “I'll see you at school."

"Will do."

He pointed at Dion. "Give Ethan extra work from me."

Dion chuckled. "I plan to."

Tommy turned and made his way to the balcony. The sun had already set, and a hazy outline of mountains sat in the distance. The moon shone bright, but the balcony remained in soft shadows. Good—no one else. He opened the double glass doors, and a fresh breeze enveloped him. Just what he needed. Silence and solitude.


NERVES FLUTTERED INSIDE Sarah's belly—her second date with Edward and several more to come. His invitation to accompany him to his staff party meant he would introduce her to his co-workers. A good sign, surely. Tonight had to be perfect. Damien cutting in on their dinner date had almost cost her another chance.

Edward settled on a barstool, and Sarah sat beside him. Voices and music filled the air. Too loud to have a decent conversation. Perhaps later, they could move to the dancefloor. That might create the right moment to take their relationship to the next level. Kaitlyn had shared how she and Jake had started out friends, but after they’d danced, things changed. While out on a coffee date, she’d pushed him into an alcove and kissed Jake. Sure, to hide her identity from a hitman. But still, she’d made the first move. After that, their relationship had rocketed full speed ahead.

Sarah needed to follow Kaitlyn’s example. Her introverted personality left her the last of their group to land a relationship. She'd seal the deal if she worked up the courage to make the first move and kiss Edward. Oh, gosh.

Edward continued to chat with a teacher next to him. He’d made the introductions, but now he had his back to her. After several minutes, he faced Sarah. "It's busy tonight." He gestured to the flustered bartender. “When I get his attention, what drink should I order for you?"

"Lemon-lime and bitters, please."

"Good choice," he shouted over the ambiance.

Sarah gave him a small smile. "I might go and freshen up in the lady's room.” Prepare for their kiss later tonight. Those chipmunks were back and doing chest bumps right now.

"Sure. It is noisy around here. How about I meet you on the balcony once I get these drinks?"

"Perfect." Time alone with Edward could build the confidence she needed to lead into their first kiss.


TOMMY WOULD RATHER ride bareback than suffer a stupid staff party. No one else was without a date, which left him the third wheel of every conversation. Time to put his bachelor days behind him. "Tirty." He chuckled to himself. Even Sarah was ready to marry at twenty-five. What was he waiting for? If only she would show she liked him even a little bit.

He had made a conscious effort to be more present to Sarah—a brush of the hand, a side-hug here and there. Perhaps Damien knew what he was talking about—Tommy should find the opportunity to kiss Sarah, so she felt what he did.

A nervousness flooded his veins. If he tried to kiss her, it could ruin everything. It needed to be mutual. She had to want it too.

He leaned his elbows on the balcony's rail and hung his head. Lord, help me.

A creak of the doors behind him interrupted his prayer. Oh, for the love of solitude. It had better not be another couple.

Cool hands slipped around his eyes. "Guess who?"

Sarah? She was here?

Her body pressed to his side, and he breathed in her familiar scent. His smile grew, and he placed a hand over hers. But before he pulled her hands away, he sensed her coming close, her hair tickling his neck.

She brushed her lips against his cheek. "You smell good tonight."

Tommy paused. The Lord worked fast.

The hints he’d given her at Jake’s birthday party, during his riding lessons, it had given her confidence to return his affection.

A neon sign flashed in his mind, GO FOR IT.

He turned and buried his head into her hair. His arms wrapped around her waist, and he drew her close.