She had a smug look on her face. "He is looking quite handsome today. All set for a rodeo." Her gaze traveled over his flannel shirt, denim jeans, and down to his work boots, the only suitable footwear he could find.

Tommy waved a hand. "Oh, this old thing," he said in a falsetto tone, getting the reaction he wanted.

Sarah swatted his arm. "It's about time I got you on a horse. The Lord answers prayers."

Trudy guided Lizzy under the fence and thanked Sarah before heading to her car.

Tommy slipped through the two beams and held his hand under Trixi's nose like Sarah had taught him. "Hey girl, you gonna be kind to me today? You're not scary at all."

Trixi snorted and triple-stepped, scaring the life out of him. "Whoa, there."

Sarah took her rein and led her back to him. "It's okay, Tommy. She can sense your fear, and it's making her uneasy." Sarah moved closer. "Here. Take my hand. She trusts me, and I'll introduce you better."

Sarah collected his hand. The warmth should have relaxed him, but a wave of awareness shot through him. It was true—he didn't see her as a little sister anymore, far from it.

Sarah squeezed his hand. "Relax. Trixi will sense your tension." She shuffled in front of him, coming between him and the horse, still holding his hand to her side.

With her free hand, she patted Trixi's nose. "That a girl. Everything's okay. You remember, Tommy, don't you? He's my friend."

Friend. So the electric current throbbing through his arm was one-sided? How could he show her there could be more between them? He brushed his thumb across the back of her knuckles. Just once.

She flicked a glance at him, a question in her eyes, and refocused on the horse.

Okay. Sarah didn't appreciate the sentiment. He'd need to take another approach.

"Okay, Tom. Come around to the side." She gently tugged him into position, lifted and widened his palm, and guided it over the horse’s tricep. Trixi’s muscles flexed. Textured but smooth hair. Sarah raised his hand to the top again and repeated the process before letting go. He continued patting the horse but missed Sarah’s touch.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He stepped back and took out his cell to find a message from Damien.

Damien: Something came up. Won't make it this week. Tell Sarah not to worry about a refund. It's my fault for the late notice.

"It's from Damien. He apologizes for not being able to make it today."

"That's fine." Her smile warmed like the sun on his back. "You may need more attention for your first ride. Are you still nervous?"

"Nope. I feel right at home." He held her gaze a moment longer. Would she get his double meaning?


SARAH IGNORED THE THRILL she'd experienced when Tommy had brushed her knuckles like he enjoyed holding hands as much as she.

His intense gaze seemed like he attempted to send a telepathic message. Just she didn't know what it was.

"You're not afraid of horses anymore?" She quirked a brow.

"I never said I was afraid." His smile dropped. "I just wasn't interested before." The intensity in his eyes came back. "But now I am. Very. Interested."

Her eyes widened. "Oh. Why the change of heart?"

He stepped right into her space and reached past her, his chest brushing hers as he patted Trixi. "You were right. I should be interested in what you do. Find out what's so great about these creatures." He looked down at her, his face inches from hers. "You have a passion for them, and I want to share your passion."

She gulped hard. "That's—um, sweet of you. But don't feel obligated. I was teasing you when I said horseback riding was the one sport you weren't good at."

Tommy reached to the back of her ponytail and drew out a small twig. "Have you been on the trail today?"

He twirled it between his finger and thumb, then let it fall. She took a tentative step backward. The magnetic pull between them wasn't appropriate for friendship. And she was dating Edward. Well, if he called her back. Perhaps he’d only meant to be polite as they’d parted ways.

"I took a client down the trail at 6 a.m. They wanted an early start before going on to work." She tugged on her earlobe.