His smile grew, and she’d be darned if she denied it, almost alluring. "Will you take me for a ride along the river?"

Her neck heated. Why so? It wasn’t a romantic suggestion. As if. "First lesson, we'll take it easy, walk the paddocks, and progress to a trot. Next week we can explore the bush trails and work our way further to the riverbank."

"Sounds like a plan."

Half an hour into the lesson, Tommy sat tall in his saddle, following her lead as she rode an older horse, Madeline. She wove through the orange cones and circled the arena. He seemed to be getting the hang of how to pull the reins. She glanced over her shoulder. "You're doing great. Just tighten the reins a little more on the turns.”

He wore a proud smile as he did as she suggested. He nudged the horse’s sides with his boots and pulled up beside her. "I'm enjoying myself. I should buy my own horse."

"Huh? This is your first lesson. You're no cowboy yet."

He chuckled. "Seriously. I could keep the horse here, and it will help with your bills."

"It's not like buying a pet rabbit. It's a huge commitment. You'll need to visit every day."

His lips parted, but he closed his mouth. His expression softened. "Sign me up."

She huffed. "Tommy, it's expensive as well. Vet fees are high. You'll need pet insurance."

"You seem to manage okay."

"It's my business, and I claim expenses against my income. But my love for horses has cost me dearly. How often have you had to pay for my milkshakes on pool night?"

"I enjoy paying for you." His eyes crinkled at the corners.

"I want to be the one buying someone's drink or dinner."

"Sarah, you make meals for people who need them. That means more."

She dipped her head. "Thanks." She focused on the obstacle course, and a sly grin slid up her cheeks. "After one lesson, you think you're ready to own a horse?"

She kicked Madeline and took off in a gallop, leaving him in her dust. Sarah and the old girl swallowed the six-hundred-foot distance. She rounded the horse in an arc and flinched at the sight of Tommy and Trixi coming her way. Tommy was bouncing like a Jack-in-the-box at an angle. He’d likely fall off if she didn't transform into The Flash and rescue him.

Sarah jerked her reins back before lunging forward with a kick. "Up, Madeline. Yah!"

The horse reared on its hind legs, neighed, and leaped into action. “Tighten the reins!”

Tommy’s cheeks wobbled. His hair bounced in his eyes as his body jolted in time with Trixi. He’d need a hot bath tonight. Oh, no—his right leg was slipping off Trixi’s back. He let go of the reins and grabbed onto the mane. Did he think he was The Man from Snowy River?

Madeline rounded again, and they caught up with Trixi. Sarah maneuvered her horse closer and grabbed the reins. She shouted commands at Trixi as she yanked three times to snap her out of racing mode. Tommy’s body hung between the horses. He’d fall any second, but with Madeline buffing the gap, it might help—or he’d get trampled by two horses and not one. Eeek.

Trixi slowed, and Sarah tightened her reins. Tommy’s legs slipped to the ground, dragging his boots in the dirt, creating a dust cloud. Both horses stopped, and Tommy let go, landing on his knees.

She almost said, “So you want to buy a horse?” But it was no time to rub the man’s pride into horse poop. Sarah dismounted and kneeled next to him. “Are you okay, Mr. Stuntman?”

He clutched his lungs and flicked his hair out of his eyes. Dirt streaks covered one side of his strong jaw. Tommy huffed and his mouth upturned into an enticing smile. “Exhilarating. That was flipping awesome, Sarah. I can see why you’re addicted to this.” He dusted his thighs, stood, and offered her a hand.

She shook her head and jumped to her feet, slamming her fists to her hips. “You could’ve broken your neck, buddy. Not awesome.”

His chest rose and fell as he gained his breath. “True. But it didn’t happen. I’ll hold on tighter next time. I thought you were yelling, ‘loosen the reins.’ And then I lost control completely.” He laughed and rested a palm on her shoulder. “Now I know. I shouldn’t have let go. I won’t do that again.” He winked.

Sarah moved to her right, making his hand fall. She turned and scratched under Madeline’s chin. “Well done, Maddie. Saved the day and Mr. Doofus here who thinks he’s a champion rider now.”

Madeline snorted. Tommy’s laughter raced through her being, and contentment swirled like leaves in a wind tunnel. Having Tommy ride with her and experience the world of horses was a dream come true. He might be eager to learn, but he had a long way to go.

Sarah handed him Trixi’s reins. “Come on, cowboy. Let’s walk them back to the stables. We’ve had enough excitement for one day. And your body is gonna hurt all over.”

He tipped an imaginary hat and winked. “Yes, ma’am.” Tommy took a few steps. “My legs are wobbly like overcooked noodles.”