Chapter Eight
ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, Tommy drove his Mitsubishi Outlander toward the visitor's parking lot of Sarah's Equine Therapy.
Sarah led Trixie around the obstacle course, the child on her back beaming. When Sarah noticed him, she waved hello.
Even though the AC blasted into his face, a warm ripple flowed through him. An acknowledgment from Sarah had never caused that reaction before. Damien might be right. New feelings were developing. Why now? And could she ever return them? If only he hadn't set her up with Edward. Or perhaps Damien had a valid point. Competition wouldn't hurt. If Edward was serious about Sarah, he needed to try harder.
Sarah remained on foot as she led the child around the obstacle course again before increasing her steps into a jog. The horse cleared a small hurdle, and the little girl squealed in delight.
Tommy leaned over the wooden railing, admiring his Sarah in a new way. A natural with children, she would make a great mother one day. Adjacent to his post, an older lady watched the arena. From where he stood, it looked like Trudy from Child Protection Services. She visited the school on occasion and checked on some of the students. Tommy made his way over and nodded hello.
"Tommy. How are you, my boy?" Deep-set eyes implored him. She suited her role. Her question was an invitation to pour out his heart and tell her anything.
Telling a near-stranger his weird new reactions to Sarah might help him work things out. But here and now wasn't the time to word vomit. Usually, he managed to process his thoughts without help.
"I'm good. Came for a horse lesson."
Trudy raised a brow. "You don't know how to ride?"
"Sarah has nagged me to learn for years, but it took my friend to push me over the edge." He scanned the parking lot. "Damien must be running late."
"I'm sure you'll have fun." She looked to Sarah as she led the horse and its rider toward them. Trudy pushed from the rail and quirked a smile. "Sarah is a sweet young lady, don't you think?"
Tommy faced Sarah. Her bangs fell from her helmet, and wisps of loose hair framed her face. "Yes, ma'am."
"A rare breed if I can use the figure of speech." She let out a small chuckle.
The horse neighed as it approached, cutting the conversation short.
Sarah helped the little girl down and unlatched her helmet. "Lizzy, you did amazing today."
Trudy clapped her hands. "Yes, you did, darling. I'm so proud of you for not being scared. It seems you and Trixi have become great friends."
Lizzy held out her hand to the horse’s muzzle and giggled when Trixi's nostrils blew on her skin before nuzzling her small palm.
Sarah circled Lizzy's shoulder. "She really likes you."
"I like her, too." She turned to her caseworker. "I want to have my own horse one day."
Trudy dipped her head to the side. "All things are possible." She touched Lizzy's button nose. "We need to go, sweetheart. Sarah needs to give this handsome young man a lesson." She winked at Tommy.
He grimaced. Older ladies never held back when it came to a little matchmaking. He darted a glance at Sarah. Did she feel awkward too?