Page 31 of Limitless: Encore

“Thank gawd.” I grab a bunch of carrots and give one to Samantha. I can’t help but give her a little attention, she’s such a great horse. The liberty training has bonded us immensely.

When I glance over at Zoey, she’s looking at me with a heart full of sisterhood. “I’ve never seen you happier. I’m so glad you have Jace and Helena. And this beautiful property. I love you. I love all of this for you.”

We spend a bit of time grooming the horses and gossiping about Ronni and Fiona before heading back to the house so Zoey can see Jace and Lena. We find them working hard on a pie. I nearly burst into tears, because I scrubbed every inch of the kitchen and it’s now destroyed. Flour. Sugar. Pie dough. Shortening. Peanut Butter. It looks like they had a food fight. Zoey gasps. Her hands fly up to cover her mouth.

I, too, must appear shell-shocked, because Jace has the decency to look embarrassed. “We’ll clean it up, don’t worry.”

“Mama, we make pee-butt pie!” Lena runs up to me covered in flour and sugar from head to toe and almost gets her arms around me.

“I can see that, so keep the grubby little mitts off me until your dad cleans you and this kitchen up.” I decide to let it go and trust Jace to handle things. He always does. Doesn’t mean I’m going to stay in here and look at the mess. “We’re going to sit out under the heater on the porch, babe.”

“Thank you, Jesus. I seem to always be freezing. This pregnancy hormone thing is whack. You sure you don’t want to get yourself married and knocked up too?” Zoey grabs a couple of blankets from the couch for us on our way back outside.

I turn the heaters on, and we curl up on the porch swing. “Married? Yeah. Probably soon. Knocked up? Not a chance. We’re not planning for other kids.”

As we chat about the foundation and my certification process, in the back of my mind, I’m wondering why I flat-out lied to Zoey about our plan to try for a baby. I think it’s because part of me doesn’t want to get her hopes up.

Or mine.

Zoey doesn’t notice my inner struggle, thank gawd. “Part of me thought you’d change your mind after Lena and the surgery. Especially once I got pregnant. But I get it. You’ve always known what you want.”

If only that were true. Strangely, cold pricks start to dance down my spine. I feel insanely woozy and nauseated. A dull ache spreads in my lower belly, which puts me on hyper-alert. I’m trying to focus and catalog what’s going on in my body. I keep my gaze fixed on the pasture but still attempt to listen to what Zoey’s saying. When the prickles turn into a full-blown chill, I can’t stop the full-body shudder. Instinctively, I tighten my blanket around me.

“Is everything okay?” Zoey scoots over to me and grips my shoulder. “You’re super pale.”

I try to concentrate on her question. “Uh, yeah. Of course, I just miss this. Whenever you and I have time together, it makes me realize how little we see each other anymore.”

“Adulting is weird. Of course, having a lot of sex with the guys we love is definitelynotweird. It’s awesome. I’d never want to go back to being eighteen.” She shudders.

“Hell, no.” I overenthusiastically agree. I keep trying to pay attention and participate, but I’m feeling super weak. My voice comes out all weird and a little high-pitched. “Are you guys going to the friends-and-family opening for Fiona’s restaurant?”

She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Of course. It would be hard for the band to play without Ty. Do you really think the guys will be able to pull off a secret show at The Mission? Ty told me the guys are coming out here for a weekend to rehearse.”

“They are? I didn’t know about it.” I’m super discombobulated all of a sudden.

Zoey’s grips my hand. “Um, I didn’t realize…”

In this moment, all I want is to get inside without worrying Zoey. She’ll understand. I’ll explain it later. Except, when I stand up, I’m faint. I feel blood pooling in the maxi-pad I put on this morning. Just in case. It’s soaked it through for sure. I know I’m acting super weird, but I have to take care of it.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Zoey reaches over to feel my forehead. Clearly, she’s not fooled.

“I’m fine,” I mumble some excuse about not eating and needing to talk to Jace and leave her on the porch.

Jace looks up from the book he’s reading Lena when I burst through the door. I put my finger to my lips and motion for him to follow me to the kitchen, which is now spotless. Quickly, he’s up and by my side. “What’s going on, Poppy? You’re white as a ghost.”

“I’m pretty sure I got my period. Can you get Lena’s coat? I’ll have Zoey watch her so you can help me without prying little eyes.”

He nods but gives me a side-eye. A few minutes later, I carry my darling daughter out and plop her down next to Zoey on the porch. I give my bestie thelookthat only BFFs can get away with. “Lena, will you show Zoey the chickens?”

Zoey glances up at me, takes the hint and turns her attention to Lena. The smile that threatens to fly off her face gives me relief. Thankgawdshe’s psyched to have one-on-one time with her goddaughter. By the time I get back inside, Jace has the shower running for me. I drop the blanket I’ve kept wrapped around me and strip out of my clothes. Sure enough, my jeans and panties look like a murder scene. Jace is aghast. “Poppy, this isn’t normal.”

“Dr. Madison told me my period would be delayed after surgery and that it would be heavier, but holy hell. I wasn’t expecting this. No wonder I feel woozy, I’ve lost a ton of blood in a short period of time.” I roll up my ruined jeans and underwear into a ball. “Can you toss these for me while I rinse off?”

“I’ll be back in a sec; I’m not leaving you alone like this.” He disappears and is back literally fifteen seconds later to find me cleaning myself off in the shower.

That’s when I notice Jace still has pie dough in his hair and on his neck. I can’t help but point and laugh. He looks in the mirror and back at me. Cocks an eyebrow. “Don’t try to deflect. I’m worried.”

“I’m sure it’s fine,” I try to reassure him. “I’ll double up the pads, throw on some sweats, and go tell Zoey what’s happening. She’ll understand.”