Page 30 of Limitless: Encore

I slip my hand between her legs and rub her clit, which sends her off. Her eyes squeeze shut and she bites her lip when she comes. It triggers my own release, which floods her. Quickly, I pull my T-shirt off and shove it under where we are joined so there’s not a wet spot on the living room couch.

“Wow,” she says dreamily as she rolls over and puts her feet up.

“Yeah, wow.” I take in her odd position. “Why are you lying like that?”

“Oh, just giving your swimmers a chance to get where they’re supposed to.” She exaggerates the position and winks at me.

“Holy hell, did those words just come out of Alex LeRoux’s mouth?” I speak in an exaggerated gossip-columnist voice and give her jazz hands.

She joins in. “You heard it here, folks. Jace Deveraux and Alex LeRoux may have just deliberately made a baby.”

“I’ll post it on social.” I pretend to take a picture of our semi-naked bodies. She even gives me a duck face.

Hands down, Alex is my absolute favorite person.

She proves it to me over and over again.

Now that we’ve overcome this crisis, it’s time to resume discussion of the wedding.

Because I’ll be damned if anything’s going to stop us now.

It’s another gorgeous day, unseasonably warm. I’m unable to keep still while waiting for Zoey to get here. When her Audifinallyturns the corner and appears in the driveway, I can’t help but bounce up and down. She’s been in Los Angeles during most of my recovery, so while we’ve FaceTimed quite a bit, I haven’t seen her in person since her wedding.

The second she parks, I yank the door off the hinges. “Get your ass out here, woman. I cannot believe you’d keep this from me.”

She slides out of her car and flings herself into my arms. “Alex, you know I had to. But obviously, I’m telling you now. Well, after my parents, of course. We’re due later this year and I’ve never been so excited.”

I motion for her to follow me inside. My appetite hasn’t returned since my surgery, but now that Jace and I are actively trying to get pregnant, I make sure I eat healthy food every day. When we get to the kitchen, I pull out a meat and cheese tray he made before he took Lena to the grocery store. The smell seems off.

Zoey doesn’t seem to notice. She makes herself a couple of crackers and groans. “God, this is delicious. Now that I’m through my first trimester, holy hell. I’m an eating machine.”

“How is Ty doing? Jace was a little bummed that the band decided to take three additional months. I think he’s getting worried that LTZ is calling it quits.” I pick up a piece of Brie and smell it. Seems fine.

Zoey pats her nearly flat belly. She seems to carefully think about what she’s about to say. “Ty is getting anxious to go back, too. But I don’t think Jace should worry. The timing makes logical sense. The restaurant opens soon. Ronni’s on a three-month shoot, so when that’s over, Connor should have better flexibility. I’ll be huge by the time they start recording, most likely.”

“I’m looking forward to all of that. Your baby bump. Recording.” I take a nibble of the cheese. Then another.

“Speaking of Jace, where is he? Where’s my goddaughter?”

“They’re out at the grocery store getting the fixings for a peanut butter pie. It’s equally annoying and equally adorable. They make pies.” I make a show of rolling my eyes, but the truth is, it’s seriously the cutest thing ever. “My mom taught him and he’s teaching her.”

Zoey laughs until she snorts. “So, the sexy drummer from LTZ is making pies. The hot singer knocked up his wife. What happened to the bad-boy rockers we picked out at The Mission?”

I wag my finger at her. “I’d bet Ty still has an eight-pack just like Jace. They were workout buddies for a long time.”

Zoey’s face drops briefly until she pastes on a smile. “It’s true. Ty’s in the gym all the time. Sometimes he works out for three hours a day.” She takes the empty plate to the sink and rinses it off.

“Why?” I’m genuinely surprised. Although it kind of makes sense. Trading one addiction for another and all that.

Zoey shrugs and plays it off. “Who knows? So are you going to show me the new horses? I’m dying here.”

Interesting. I expected her to unload on me today. From what Jace and the guys have been talking about, clearly something’s up with Ty again. I guess it’s to be expected because his mother died horrifically only a week or so before he married my bestie. During their meetings about when to resume band business, apparently, he’s been very distracted and even agitated. I don’t say this to Zoey, but the rest of the guys are all worried about the future of LTZ. No one’s sure if Ty actually wants to keep the band going. Or is capable of it. Especially now that Zoey’s pregnant.

As curious as I am to get the inside scoop, I’m proud of Zoey and I’m going to respect her decision to keep Ty’s business private. It’s what Jace and I always hoped for because it’s the right thing for them to do as a couple. When they initially got back together, he and I would get dragged into their juvenile drama on so many occasions. Almost like they were emotionally frozen in time at the young age they broke up.

It’s a relief that they’ve gotten over that hump, so I don’t mind if that part of our relationship has changed. As we make the short trek to the barn, I ask, “So, how does it feel?”

“Being pregnant? Kind of weird. A little abstract. Nothing much to report yet.” She pats King on his neck and kisses his cheek. “You’re the one with the craziness going on. How are you holding up? I’m glad your cramps finally stopped.”