“Music to my ears.” I lean down and kiss her swollen lips, my tongue seeking hers as we lean back against the bed. Just as my dick is good and ready for another round of ‘Watch Delaney come then fuck her senseless’ there’s a knock at the door.

“Go away!” we both call out at the same time. Delaney giggles as a voice calls through the door.

“We’re all going to the waterslides and Mom said to drag you along too.” The voice seems to belong to Tommy, so I groan as I pull back from Delaney and grab a towel to secure around my waist as I make my way to the door.

“Raincheck?” I say as I pull the door open slightly. “We kind of have our own game going on here.”

I lift my brow as Tommy nods knowingly, then Tony—who I didn’t realize was in attendance—bursts in through the door. “You two are into water sports? Eww.” He goes straight to our mini bar and takes the replenished bourbon bottles, downing two of them straight away.

“Tony! Get out!” Delaney yells from where she remains covered on the bed.

“What are you gonna do? Tell Mom?” he sneers.

“I’ll tell yourwife,” Delaney snaps back, and Tony’s mouth drops open with an expression that reads as, ‘You wouldn’t!’.

“Come on, man. Let’s give them the chance to get dressed,” Tommy says as Delaney pokes her tongue out at Tony and throws a pillow his way. It makes him drop some of the goodies he took from our fridge, so he scrambles to pick them up before rushing out the door. Tommy rolls his eyes. “He’s always been the unkempt one. We’ll see you two on deck?”

“Sure. We’ll be there in twenty minutes,” I say before chaining the door and turning back to my gorgeous girl. “Actually, let’s make that an hour. I need one more round with that delicious body of yours before I’m ready to face the real world again.”

“I like the way you think.” She giggles as I whip off my towel and dive on the bed to ravish her.


“Everybody say cheese!” Aunty Joan says as one of the staff members take a family photo of us all standing next to the massive water slides. The kids are all kneeled down in front, and the adults are lined up behind.

“Cheese!” We chorus as the young man takes a few rapid photos before handing Aunty Joan her cellphone back.

“Thank you so much, young man,” she says, slipping him a tip as she peruses the images on her phone. “These are just great. I’m going to get them printed up and mail them out to all of you so we can all have a copy.” She nods, feeling very proud of that idea.

“You don’t have toprintthe photos,Aunty,” I point out. “You can just send us a digital copy, and we’ll all get to keep it in our photo albums.”

“Well, that’s why I want to print it,” she replies. “For your photo albums.”

“What Delaney’s trying to say,” Nate starts, “is that we all have digital photo albums on our cellphones. So if you email or text the photos to all of our cells, we’ll get to save it and carry it around with us everywhere.”

“Oh. Well, how do I do that?” She hands him her phone, and he talks her through it, making my heart swell with pride because my man is seriously so patient and caring. Whether he’s acting as Liam or as himself, he is a genuinely good person. Not everyone has the fortitude to explain technology to an old woman. But he stands there with her and talks her through each step until she’s happily doing it herself.

“What is he doing?” Mom asks, moving up beside me as I watch Nate and Aunty Joan.

“He’s showing her how to send photos to people,” I say, noting the way her eyes widen at the thought.

“My god. Why would he do such a thing? She’ll never stop. Have you any idea how many photos that woman actually takes? It’s mind-numbing. I’ve had to upgrade her cloud storage three times this year to free up space on her cell. And I blame Tommy for that, he’s the one who bought her the iPhone photography book for Christmas last year.”

“What’s the harm if she’s having fun?” I ask, still smiling.

“Oh, you’ll see,” Mom says as she steps away. “And don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

It’s at that moment my phone starts blowing up, message after message coming through. The first contains the family portrait, then there are a few more images of us all on the cruise, and the final one is a picture of Nate and me last night. We’re walking away from her, his hand about my waist as he leans down to say something in my ear. It looks so beautiful. A tiny window into the love that was building between us before we even spoke about it out loud.

Lifting my eyes from the screen, I find Nate watching me, his gaze soft and heated. I place my hand on my heart to show him how touched I am by the image, and even though we just taught Aunty Joan that you don’t need to print photos out anymore, this one is particular, is definitely going to hard copy. I want it on my wall so I can see this moment always.

“Prepare for an onslaught of pictures. She’s just getting started,” Nate says as he returns to my side and draws me in close, pressing a soft kiss to my lips before bringing his mouth to my ear and speaking so only I can hear. “Think I can take you back to the cabin and continue playing our own version of slip and slide yet?”

“I think we might have to stick around here a little longer,” I say, grinning as my phone buzzes in my hand again. It’s a photo of Nate and me kissing just now. “Thank you, Aunty.”

She waves a hand over her head from her position seated under a shade umbrella. “And thank you! Seeing you two so in love makes this old woman happy. Now go and have some fun. I’m happy right here taking my pictures.”

Leaving my bag near her seat, Nate and I head off hand in hand in search of my brothers and their kids. Lucy and Tarryn are at the bar with Mom and Dad, ordering a round of fruity cocktails by the look of it, but Tommy and Tony are kid wrangling—not because they have to, but because they were desperate to have a turn on the water slides too. I’m torn between wanting the cocktail and wanting to have fun. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been brave enough to go down one of these things. Body issues tend to keep me poolside with a sarong covering my non-desirable bits. But after the way this big muscular man beside me has been worshipping my oversized body, I’m feeling rather…sexy I have to admit. And I know, I shouldn’t base my body confidence on what a man thinks about me, but it’s genuinely hard not to. We get told to be one way or another all our lives so we’re constantly critical of what we see in our reflection. But when someone who you find beautiful finds you beautiful too…well, that reflection is suddenly a hell of a lot better, as if they somehow managed to lend you their eyes so you can feel as attractive as they find you. It’s a heady drug.