“Looks like there are three slides to choose from,” Nate says as we make our way to the entry point. “Slow to fast. Where would you like to start?”

“It’s been so long since I’ve been on one. So probably the one in the middle?” I suggest, loving the feel of his fingers laced between mine. I’d also be happy to just stand around like this all day, smiling up at him and acting all ga-ga. I’ve never been in love before, so having this—havinghim—is a novelty.

“OK. Let’s show these kids how it’s done.”

We spend the next few hours lining up and sliding down, spending quality time with my nieces and nephews as well as my brothers. When Tommy and Tony are both together, they’re a riot. They feed off each other’s energy, and Tommy becomes more boisterous while Tony because less…Tony.The kids think Nate is king and take turns going down the slide with him, or just hanging from his shoulders. And somehow, I fall a little harder with every moment that passes. There’s something about seeing a mammoth of a man being gentle with children that just turns you to mush.

“You seem happy,” Tommy says as I take a breather, waiting for Nate to pop out the end of the slide with Tommy’s boy Cory.

“I am. I’m really happy,” I say, laughing as they both pop out, water spraying up in their faces before they come to a stop.

“Good. I’m happy for you. And Nathaniel. You both seem a lot more at ease than you were at Thanksgiving.”

“We are,” I say with a smile before I freeze, icy fingers trailing a line down my spine. “Wh-what did you just call him?”

“Nathaniel. That’s his name, right?”


“It’s OK.” His eyes swing to meet mine. “I get it. There’s been a lot of shitty pressure on you from the parentals to settle down. I’m just happy to see you happy for a change. Those guys they kept pushing you to date were the worst.”

“Wait. I’m lost. Ho-how do you know his name?” My face is flaming and I feel like I might vomit. No one was supposed to find us out until we were ready to tell them.

“I’ve seen him on TV. Tarryn’s a big Law & Order fan. He played a wrongly accused murderer.”

My mouth opens, but I just don’t know what to say. Sure, Nate and I were going to tell everyone the truth in the New Year. But it’s an entirely different thing to have someone blatantly tell you they knew all along. “Who else knows?” I whisper, finally getting some words out.

“No one. Just me. And if Tarryn has twigged, she hasn’t said.”


“It’s OK, Del. I’m not telling anyone. I actually think it was an ingenious plan from the get-go. Hire a guy to get them off your back then say you broke up sometime later. Perfect. But I’m more happy that you found a connection with him. Not sure how you’re going to broach it with the oldies, but, really, does it matter what they think?”

“I, ah…Does Nate know about this?” I ask, my head spinning. I really never imagined a scenario where anyone would actually recognize Nate from his work.

“Does he know that I know?” He frowns. “Well, yeah. I spoke to him about it at Thanksgiving. He didn’t tell you?”

“No,” I whisper. I don’t know how I feel about this. Especially when a big part about why Natedidn’twant to take this next step was dependent on me being willing to come clean. You’d think he’d use the fact that Tommy already knows in his favor. On top of that, telling me would have saved me a hell of a lot of embarrassment right now. I actually feel foolish, exposed. I didn’t want anyone knowing until I was ready to tell.

“Don’t be too hard on him. Like I said, I was never going to tell. I guess he just didn’t want you feeling worried or uncomfortable.”

“Sure,” I say, offering him a fake smile as I force my face into a mask of composure. “I’m sure that’s all that was behind it.”

“What’s happening?” Nate says as he walks over with Tony and the kids. The older of the four, Anna and Mitchell are talking about wanting to go on the bigger, faster slide.

“Why don’t we meet you there?” I say to my brothers.

“Sorry, buddy,” Tommy says, offering a tight-lipped smile as he heads off with Tony who’s asking if something happened while Nate turns to me and wants to know the same thing.

“Am I missing something?”

“Why didn’t you tell me Tommy knows who you are?” I hiss, my annoyance flaring as I meet his eyes.

His mouth opens then closes. But ultimately, he just shakes his head. “I don’t know. I guess…I guess I trusted him to keep it to himself. And since we’re telling everyone soon, anyway, I really didn’t think it mattered.”

“Of course it matters. Tony and Tommy aretwins.They tell each othereverything. And Tony…he won’t keep it to himself.”

“I really don’t think that’s the case, Delaney. There seems to be quite a few things that Tommy and Tony aren’t on the same page about. I honestly think we’re safe here. And it’s just until the new year.” He reaches out and places his hands on my hips, bringing me in closer so he can nuzzle my neck. “Once everyone knows, it’ll just be you and me and this body of yours making sweet, sweet love for the rest of our lives.” I actually melt.