“You’re moving here?”

“Of course. I’m not having babies in the big city. I want to raise my kids right here in Christmas where I grew up. They’ll think it’s just as lame as I did, but when they’re grown, they’ll be so grateful for such a wholesome start in life.”

“You call what we did last night wholesome?”

She giggles. “No. But you get what I mean.”

“I do,” I say, pulling out a pair of sweats and a hoodie from my drawers and handing them to her. “Our kids will have a great start in life.”

“They really will.” She sighs happily before getting out of bed to get dressed. I take a beat just to take in the sight of her. The light that falls across her gorgeous, curvaceous body, the way her hair falls to her shoulders and frames her face perfectly, offsetting the deep blush of her cheeks and ruby hue of her lips. She looks like a princess, or even more fitting, the angel on top of the tree. And to think, I almost turned her away. Which is crazy when we’re so obviously perfect for each other. “OK. So lunch will happen at around 1:30,” she says once she’s pulled the hoodie over her head. “I’ll tell Mom to set a place for you.”

“I’ll be there with bells on,” I say, leaning in to kiss her one last time before I let her leave—through the front door this time. I don’t have it in me to watch her jump between the roofs again. That shit was fucking terrifying.

“Hmm, I might have to put something a little special on too,” she says with a naughty wink, and I have to restrain myself from whipping all those clothes off and throwing her back on the bed.Later, Ryder. Later.

“I look forward to taking it off you when we’re alone again tonight.” I catch her about the waist and press one last searing kiss against her lips.

“Merry Christmas, my love.”

“Merry Christmas, honey. I’ll see you soon.”


Using the spare key for the second time in two days, I’m shocked to find the house quiet, which means my parents are obviously still sleeping.Phew.I’d really rather not have to do the walk of shame in front of them on Christmas morning. As eager as I am to tell them about Ryder and me, I don’t really want to be standing in his clothes without wearing any underwear—the cheeky bugger snatched them back when he threw me on the bed—while I do it.

As I climb the stairs, I can’t help but release a naughty little giggle. In the span of twenty-four hours, this quiet, brooding man-next-door has changed me into a whole different person, in the best way possible.

Feeling full of energy despite my lack of sleep, I take a quick shower and get dressed for the day, glancing at myself in the mirror before heading back downstairs. I smile at my reflection. I’m absolutelyglowing. Is this the effect of love? If yes, then I'm all for it.

"Merry Christmaaaaaaaas!" I yell from the top of the stairs before running straight into the kitchen like I’m still a little girl expecting Santa to arrive. Except this morning, my haste is all about the food. After going a few naughty rounds with Ryder last night, I’m positively famished!

"Merry Christmas, Bunny," Mom says as she carries a tray of freshly warmed croissants to the table. They smell divine.

I give my parents big kisses on their cheeks, causing them to laugh heartily as I help them carry food to the table. There’s far too much for only three people. And I dearly wish that Ryder was right here with us too. It feels so weird being so close to him and now being so far away. It’s like I’ve stepped into another world. I miss him already.

"Merry Christmas, Bella dearest." Dad laughs as I pick up the fruit salad and pirouette my way to the table. "What has got you so happy today?"

Excitement bubbles inside my chest as I bite my lip to hide my smile. "Umm… Well…You see…"

Mom chuckles and pours me a cup of coffee as I take my seat. "Dear, I think you might want to sit down for this," she says, giving me a wink. My eyes go wide, and I wonder how on earth she knows? But then it’s like we have a silent conversation where she says what she’s said many times throughout my life when she’s caught me out—a mother always knows…

"This sounds intense," Dad says, wiggling his brow comically as he plonks himself down in his place. “Why do I need to sit?”

This does nothing to help my nerves. I’ve never announced the fact I have a boyfriend before. "Well…" I take a deep breath before I let it all out. "I'm sort of seeing someone now. It's…ah…I'm dating Ryder Wilcox." They exchange a glance I can’t read, so I immediately blurt, "I know he’s older. But Mom, Dad, I’m in love with him. The heart doesn’t care about age."

My parents share another knowing look with each other, and I wish they had subtitles so I could read what they seem to silently say to each other.

“Say something!” I urge.

Mom is the first one to grin widely. Then she jumps up from her chair and pulls me into a big hug. "Oh, Bella, my Bunny. We’re so happy for you!"

“We truly are.” Dad joins the Bella-sandwich just heartbeats later. “You're an adult, Bella. You're more than capable of making your own decisions.”

"Your father's right. You don't need our approval about whom to date."

"But we appreciate you checking in with us, nonetheless," Dad says, kissing me on the top of my head. "Ryder is a good man. Your mother and I really like him."

Mom breaks apart our hug and takes my face in her hands. "And if he's your choice for a partner and he makes you happy, who are we to argue?"