I finally allow myself to breathe a sigh of relief. As if on cue, the doorbell rings, and I beam.He’s early."Good. Because I invited him over to spend Christmas with us!"

I run to the door and open it immediately. Ryder beams when he sees me. "Hope it’s OK I’m here a little early. I couldn’t stay away.” He's dressed up in a button-up shirt, looking delicious as hell.

“OK? It’s more than OK. It’s perfect.” I take him by the hands and drag him inside. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

His hands circle around my waist as he grins down at me. “Got a little sugar for your man, honey.”

“Do I ever.” I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his, settling into the kiss when a throat clears behind us, and we’re suddenly pulling apart and Ryder is looking sheepish.

"Er… Hi, ah, Mr. Fleming… Mrs. Fleming.” He nods courteously. “Merry Christmas."

When I spin around, I find Mom and Dad standing there, Dad with a serious look on his face and his arms crossed. "Dad…" I start, worried the PDA just made him uncomfortable.

Dad is quick to chuckle, however, before he walks up to Ryder and pats him on the shoulder. "Merry Christmas, son."

The discomfort visibly melts away from Ryder's face as he grins. "Son? I'm only eight years younger than you, Mr. Fleming."

"Oh, Ryder, don't be silly," Mom takes Ryder's hand and drags him into the kitchen, Dad and I not far behind. "You can still call us Molly and Rob. No need for formalities. Especially now that you’re practically family."

Dad gestures to the food covered table. "Want some grub, Ryder?"

"Yes, please, Mr. Flem—" He coughs. "I mean, yes, Rob. I’m starving."

I give him a little nudge with my elbow before he turns at me and smirks, leaning in close and brushing his lips against the top of my head. A happy warmth spreads through me, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I'm so overjoyed by my parent’s easy acceptance of my relationship with Ryder. It’s made this Christmas morning dream come true—I have my man, and I have my family, and we’re all around the table sharing a meal. It honestly doesn’t get much better than that.

Dad picks up a plate of waffles and holds them out to Ryder, who thanks him amicably. "So, Ryder," Dad starts, as we all put food in our mouths. "I’m going to have to ask what your intentions are for my daughter."

"Dad…" I start, and he just laughs, but turns to Ryder expectantly.

"Well, Rob, Molly, if it's OK with you…" Ryder turns to me, his green gems boring into my deep browns. "I would like to marry your daughter. I want to be the man to protect her and provide for her, give her everything her heart desires." Then he breaks into another big grin, "Especially Snow Angel Diner's plum pudding. Will you marry me, honey?"

Even though I knew this was what he wanted, my jaw drops at the reality of those words, and I immediately jump into his arms. "Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes!"

“I think we’re supposed to say yes too,” I hear Dad say as I press my lips to Ryder’s and make a spectacle of myself. “But I think that maybe he should finish fixing that leaky sink first.” I smile against Ryder’s mouth, but my mom breaks into a sob.Not the reaction I expected…

"Oh, Mom…" I turn to look at my parents, finding Dad holding Mom's hands, tears in both their eyes.

“I’m just so happy,” Mom says. “My little girl is getting married.”

“I think this calls for champagne at breakfast,” Dad says, quickly getting up.

“Yes!” Mom says. “Mimosas all round!” They jump up and start gathering what they need, as Ryder takes my hand in his and brings my fingers to his lips.

“I’ll take you ring shopping tomorrow. But for now, just know you are the best Christmas present this man could ever ask for."

“I love you so much, Ryder,” I whisper.

“I love you too.”



Five years later…

"Mommy, is this one mine?" little Beth squeaks from behind the Christmas tree.

Bella chuckles. "Beth, honey, Mommy can't see which one you're holding up from back there." She has Robbie, our eldest, on her lap, and is helping him unwrap his present. We named him after Bella's father. You wouldn't believe how much he cried when we announced our first child's name. She spies me at the entrance to the living room and gives methe look.