Despite getting the green light from Sophia, I’ll need to make this nice and slow for her. There can be no urgency in the way I take her. This is all unknown for her, and I want her to feel safe and to trust me completely.

“Why don’t I get us something to drink?” I suggest as I pull back slightly. I need to slow this down for my own sake as well. I’m so keyed up, I’m about to lose control and take this sweet body of hers like an animal in heat.

“Something to drink?” she repeats, looking confused. “I thought we were…” She bites her lip as she looks up at me.

“Sugar.” I reach out and tuck a curl behind her ear. “We will. I promise. But I also promised you we’d take it slow and I think we’re rushing right now. So, let me get you some wine, and we’ll put on some music, maybe watch a movie?”

“A movie?” She turns a little pale, and I frown.


“It’s because I asked you to be my first, isn’t it?” she whispers, her voice breaking.

“What?” I ask, taking a step toward her, but she pulls away and takes a step back, then another. A chill creeps through me. I don’t like that she isn’t letting me touch her.

“The whole talk about saving Christmas and feeling a connection with you—it put you off, didn’t it? I mean, IknowI’m not experienced, Jackson, Iknowthat,” she says, wringing her hands. “But, I just…I never kissed anyone orbeenwith anyone, you know…intimately, because I…God!” She looks up at the ceiling in exasperation and drags a hand through her curls. “Look, I know men like women who know what they are doing. I know I’m not experienced. You probably got that the moment you started kissing me. It’s just that I’ve waitedso longfor the right person to come along, foryouto come along. And I know that sounds like I’m pinning all my hopes on you. And maybe I am. But it’s just…I’ve never been interested in casual dating or random hook-ups. I just wanted to meet someone and just know it felt right. And I never had that happen until…”

I silence her by reaching out and taking her hand, tugging her into my arms. She lands against me with a thud, then looks up startled before I lean forward and press a hard kiss against her mouth. She melts.Andshe stops rambling nonsense.

“I am not turned off by the fact you feel an intense connection with me, Sophia. Because I feel it too. And the knowledge that you’ve never been with another man...” I hiss my breath through my teeth. “It turns me the fuck on.”


“Hush, or I’ll kiss you again if that’s what keeps you quiet.”

She gets this adorably cheeky look in her eyes like she’s about to speak just for the kiss. But then it’s like she second guesses it and clamps her lips shut.

“Good. Now, listen to me, Sophia. Do you have any idea howluckyI feel that you’ve waited so long? That you saved yourself for me? I’m the first to get your blushes, your kisses, and yourinnocence. All of that. For me. I can’t even begin to tell youhowhappy it makes me to know that. Because youaremine, Sophia, and I am yours. And soon—very soon—you’ll be mine ineverypossible way. Do you understand what I mean? This is it, sugar, you and me. I don’t want you to ever doubt that.” I finish and look down at her shocked but elated face.

“Jackson, this is so…unreal. Do you understand how crazy we both sound? I mean, we’ve only known each other a few hours.”

“Then we can be crazy together.” I smile at her. “You just told me you’ve been waiting for me for a long time. And I’m here. I’m not running away. So don’t try to push me either—unless it’s to push your gorgeous body up against mine again. Because I really likedthatkind of pushing. You were so greedy, sugar, you nearly kissed my face off.”

She gasps, her eyes wide with outrage. “I wasnotgreedy.”

I laugh. “Honey, you were. You nearly pulled my hair out trying to get a piece of me...that’show muchyoucouldn’t get enough ofme. Which is fucking perfect because I can’t get enough of you either. I’m going to claim you, Sophia, and once I’m done, you won’t have a single doubt in your mind—or one single stitch of clothing on your body.” I grin wolfishly down at her.

On cue, she flushes and buries her face in my neck, and mumbles something that sounds adorable just because it’s coming from her.

“What was that?” I ask, shifting so I can urge her face up to mine, her brown eyes staring up at me.

“I said, I’d prefer it if you took my clothes off now.” Her cheeks flame so brightly I’m surprised she hasn’t caught fire.

My dick salutes her. “Oh, sugar. You are the sweetest, most perfect thing,” I say, clamping my urge to hump her leg right down. “But it’s Christmas. And it’s tradition to unwrap our gifts in the morning. Tonight”—I lean down and brush my nose alongside hers—“is all about the anticipation.”

“If I anticipate you much more, I might explode,” she says, pressing her knees together as she heaves out her breath.

I chuckle. “Then we’ll have to find a way to give my greedy girl a taste of what she wants without spoiling the whole surprise.”


“OK.” My mind goes wild trying to think of all the things he could do that would be considered a ‘taste’. Would it be just kissing? Heavy petting? A little…cunnilingus? The mind boggles and my knees shake.

“Now,” Jackson places a quick kiss on my nose before pulling away. “About that drink. Red or White?”

“Do you have any cocoa?”

He smiles. “Of course, I do. I remember you told me your dad used to have a saucepan on the stove every Christmas. That sounds perfect.”