“Oh, thank you. It just wouldn’t be Christmas eve without it. And Jackson?” He lifts his brow as he meets my eyes. “I kinda need the little girl’s room. Can you show me the way to your bathroom?” I’ve actually been dying to go since we left the bar, but I kind of got distracted by more indulgent things...

“Of course.” He points me toward a hallway leading away from the living room. “Second door on the left, right off the second passage. Call out for me if you get lost.”

“Second door. Second passage. Do you live in a maze?” He chuckles then gives me a gentle pat on my ass, and I let out a startled squeak before I make my way down that corridor.

His place isbig, and I can imagine it would be possible to get lost in here if you didn’t know where you were going—which I don’t.Second door, second passage. Or is it the second door then you turn right into the second passage?His directions sound like he lives in a castle, but a penthouse can’t possibly be that confusing.

I pause when I hit the second door on the left and place my hand on the knob, turning and opening it to find a study.No bathroom here. Whoops!I hope Jackson doesn’t think I’m snooping. Once I secure that door closed again, I head farther down the hall until I see one passage, then two. Then I try the second door on the left.Bingo!

After I’ve finished doing my business, I take a moment to take in the elegantly decorated bathroom with its marble surfaces and gold fittings. It’s opulent to the max, and makes my closet-sized bathroom look like, well…a broom closet.

I walk toward the sink, turning on the faucet and letting the cool water run over my fingers, then over my pulse. Just being in this bathroom he’s probably been naked in makes my skin heat and my insides quake.He wants me.I’ve never had a man speak those words to me before. I splash a few drops of water against the back of my neck and try to calm down.I’m going to have sex tonight.Shutting the water off, I look up and study my reflection in the mirror.

Is it possible to looksodifferent? Ifeeldifferent right now, yes, but as I take in my puffy lips and the expression on my face, I realize,I really do look different as well.There is something bright in my eyes and a warm glow in my cheeks. I trace my lips, remembering his hot, wet kisses. His lips against mine had been soft and hard all at once, exploring and demanding as his tongue taught mine an intimate dance. I move my fingers across my chin as I notice the soft red whisker burns on my skin and another surge of arousal sweeps through me. I clutch the edges of the sink as my knees nearly buckle.

Every nerve in my body seems to be aflame. My heart is pounding, and my nipples strain against the cotton cups of my bra, hard and aroused. I am also wet.Down there. A constant throbbing pulse beats between my thighs, and I can tell that my clit is swollen and aching to be touched.By Jackson.

He wants to claim me.Claim me.What does that even mean? It’s a sex thing, right? He was talking about sex? He definitely was.

I bite my lip as I meet my eyes in the mirror.

Claiming sounds almost…pagan. Wild, animalistic, and carnal. It sounds…like everything I’ve always wanted and more.

I turn away and cover my face with my hands, stifling an elated giggle.

But am I really ready for this? I hardly know Jackson, but at the same time, I feel like Iknowhim. Deep down, something inside me recognizes him, wants him, and craves him. Jackson seems like everything I always wanted, and everything I never knew I needed.

I grin to myself happily as I realize the wait was worth it. Finally, I feel ready. Finally, I feel like I’ve met the One.

It’s time to go out there andclaimmy destiny, so to speak.

With a quick check of my breath, I’m about ready to go out there and be as sultry as I’m capable of. But before I can leave the bathroom, another thought hits me. Am I wearing decent panties? I lift the edge of my pants and groan. I’m wearing big ole stretch cotton panties, the ones I usually wear on laundry days because they’re really high-waisted and completely unflattering. All my good ones are packed and sitting inside the suitcase I had planned on taking home with me.

I look at the simple robin’s egg blue cotton. They’re comfortable but about as sexy as a leg of turkey.I can’t let him see this.

What if it turns him off?

Oh, God, what ifIturn him off? What if, once he sees me,all of me—and there wasa lotof me—naked and he doesn’t like what he sees?Oh no!

I’ve always been on the bigger side. Back in school, I was teased for having big breasts when all the other girls had been slim and proportionate. Growing up, shopping for clothes with girlfriends had been mortifying, having to ask for a bra size only to hear one of them whisper loudly, “Do they even come in that size?”

That’s one of the reasons why I decided to design clothes for plus-sized women. I haven’t felt self-conscious about my body in a while, but then, I also never had to be naked in front of a handsome man like Jackson before. Or any man, for that matter.

“You can do this, Sophia Clarke,” I tell myself, squaring my shoulders. “Stash those panties and go out there, chin up.”

I quickly pull my jeans off and slide my underwear to the floor and bunch it in my hand. Then I tug my jeans back on, button them up, and wonder where in the world my knickers should hide.

This bathroom is far too tidy to leave them here, so I stuff them into my pocket, figuring I can stash them in my bag later. But there’s a visible bulge.No way is Jackson not going to see that.I take them out and look around. Maybe I can stow them in one of the cabinets? Under the sink, perhaps?

Yes, I decide, moving hurriedly to open the medicine cabinet to find a decent hiding spot. In my haste, I misjudge my movement, slamming my hip hard against the vanity just as I open the door. Instinctively, I let out a sharp cry of pain and hunch forward. Which is when the crash happens.... I look up just in time to see the detachable medicine cabinet…detach.

Oh, no. Oh no, oh no.God dammit!

A clamor of pill bottles, mirror fragments, and shaving equipment falls at my feet as I cover my mouth and silently beg Santa for a time machine.

Almost immediately, I hear footsteps rushing my way, followed by Jackson’s voice. “Sophia? What the hell was that?”

How in the world am I supposed to explain this?