Mark chuckled. “Such old-fashioned language.”

“I’m an old-fashioned kind of girl.”

“The kind of old-fashioned girl that likes to ‘step out’ on her husband?” Mark arched a brow.

She waved her hand. “It’s mutual. We both cheat, but neither admits it. I’m sure David has some blonde bimbo set up for tonight after he goes out with his executives.” She rolled her eyes. “He thinks he’s being so clever, but anytime he goes to that Café, he stays out most of the night. I found a long red hair on his jacket last time, and he claimed it was the taxi driver’s.” She shook her head and laughed. “He thinks I believed him.”

“Did you?”

“Hell no. But it gives me an excuse to do as I please.”

Mark took another sip of his wine. He’d met enough people in his travels to know this was common practice among wealthy married couples, but something always felt not-quite-right. Sure, he liked to take advantage of lonely married women—they treated him right—but he never envisioned himself having that kind of marriage. Why marry at all if there was no love or faithfulness? Of course, he realized his own hypocrisy, enjoying the fruits of that particular dilemma. But what else could he do? He liked sex. He loved women. And he bored easily.

“What are you frowning about?” Abby asked.

He smiled. “Nothing interesting.”

Abby raised her brows.

“I was getting philosophical.”

She scrunched her nose. “Why?”

“Why not?” He chuckled.

“Exactly.” She laughed. She’d been a philosophy major in college and Mark appreciated her intellect. Which is why he saw her whenever he was in town. That, and since he’d joined the DCSO, it was probably beneficial to keep the wife of a major donor happy.

It was not an unpleasant task.

Their entrees arrived and they ate and chatted about light things, with some heavy flirting in between.

As they finished up their dessert, Abby shifted in her seat. “What are you going to do to me with those wonderful fingers tonight?”

A thrill ran through Mark’s body at the heat in her eyes. “What would you like me to do?”

She grinned. “I’ve missed you.”

“And I you.”

* * *

Abby ledMark up the stairs to the master bedroom of her house. His cock throbbed in his pants, anticipating a night of debauchery with her.

She flipped on the light, revealing the massive master bedroom and enormous wooden four-poster bed.

“You guys are sharing a room again?” he asked as she pulled him toward the bed.

“My parents were visiting and just left yesterday. Didn’t have a chance to clean up the other room.” She knelt before him and unfastened his pants. “I’d rather not have sex where my parents were sleeping.”

He groaned as her pink lips slid over his cock and he ran his hands through her silky hair. “We could have gone to my place.”

“It’s more exciting here.” She looked up at him, her eyes full of lust, and slid her lips down his shaft. She sucked hard and he groaned again. God, she had a mouth on her and knew how to use it. “Besides, David texted and said he wouldn’t be home until very late.”

He closed his eyes and savored the feel of his cock in her mouth. She sucked, stroked, licked... everything he liked.

“Abby...” He fisted her hair and pulled her away. “You’re gonna make me come too soon.”

She flashed a wicked smile and stood. “I like bringing you to the edge.” She undressed slowly, revealing her body with a proud gleam in her eyes. Mark reached out and slid his fingers over her hardened nipple and she closed her eyes. Her mouth opened and he tugged her nipple until she stepped closer, eyes dilated.