She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders as he caressed her breasts. He pressed his lips against hers and she shoved his pants and underwear down over his hips and stroked his cock again.

He pushed her back until they found the bed, lifted her onto it, and spread her legs. Fisting his cock, he teased her pussy with it. God, she was wet. “Missed me, huh?”

She gasped as he pressed forward the tiniest bit and gasped. “Yes...”

He kissed her neck, down across her clavicle. She leaned back on the bed and he captured a nipple in his mouth, groaning as he sucked. She moaned and writhed as he teased her nipples, moving back and forth between them, nipping and sucking hard. He pressed into her wet, willing body, savoring the tightness so familiar to him.

He never lacked bed partners while on tour, but Abby was the one woman he kept coming back to, probably because he didn’t have to. They wanted each other, enjoyed each other, and... God, did he enjoy her.

His hips met hers and looked up to see her eyes closed, lips parted. He slid out and slowly pushed back into her body. She felt amazing. Her back arched as he pressed forward and she sucked in a breath. He found her nipple with his mouth again and slowly thrust in and out of her. He closed his eyes, the rhythm and sensations consuming his mind, his body.

In and out. In and out. All he could do was feel her surrounding him.


Plates clinkedand glasses chimed as Emily quickly tightened her apron around her waist, watching Table One be seated. They’d arrived earlier than Geoffrey had said they would, but she’d adapt. She always did.

“Henry, what are the specials tonight?”

Henry, the head chef of Café Milan, rattled off the two specials, complete with seasonings and suggested wine pairings. Emily closed her eyes, visualizing the dishes, and her mouth watered. She grinned at the chef. “Sounds delicious.”

Henry grinned. “I’ll make sure to save you some.”

Emily smiled. “Thanks.” She pulled out her server book to take a few notes before heading out to the quiet dining room. Guests always spoke in low tones, as if the area was sacred. She’d never understood that. The reality was completely the opposite, but she supposed the appearance made it easier to pretend.

She nodded to Valerie, a newer girl, whose eyes widened as a man slid his hand up her outer thigh.

Emily took a deep breath as she moved closer to the white-clothed round table in the back corner of the restaurant, schooling her face into a warm smile as she approached. “Hi, my name’s Emily. I’m going to take good care of you all tonight.” She smiled at the well-dressed men in power suits and ties, making soft eye contact with each of them.

The man across the table from her leaned back in his chair and smiled. His dark hair was swept to the side with a few silver strands at his temples. He appeared to be in his mid-forties and his bottle-green eyes swept over her. “Where’s Amber?”

Emily’s smile faltered as she remembered the story Geoffrey had told her. “She’s left the Café.” She forced another smile as she explained the specials with mouthwatering detail and suggested an appetizer to start them off right.

The green-eyed man arched a brow and smiled. “I understand why Geoffrey had you take Amber’s place.” He tilted his head. “Your descriptions made me want to try every single one of those dishes.”

Emily gave a small shrug. “Just doing my job.”

“Hmm.” The man studied her for a long moment. “Which would you suggest?”

Emily blinked. No one had ever asked her before. She smiled. “Henry’s steaks are always amazing.”

“I can’t disagree, though I’m sure my wife would prefer me to have the salmon.”

There was always a fine line to walk when a man mentioned his wife. Some men liked it when she joined in with the insults, but it always made her uncomfortable. “I’m sure she’s just looking out for your health.”

“Perhaps.” He laughed. “But, I’m out with the guys for a reason.”

One of the other men laughed. “Maybe Abby would want you to have the steak so she can cash in your life insurance policy sooner.”

Green-Eyed Man chuckled. “Good to know you have my back, Steve.”

Steve shrugged. “Happy to help.”

Green-Eyed Man glanced back at Emily. “Why don’t you start us off with a couple of orders of those oysters and a bottle of Aglianico? Then, after Steve here has decided what company he’ll be moving on to tomorrow...” He arched a brow at Steve, but smiled, and the other men around the table laughed. Steve shook his head and chuckled. Emily didn’t think the threat was real. “We’ll let you know about dinner.”

“Yes, sir.”

The man’s eyes widened at her words and his smile softened as he swept his gaze over her again. He gave her a last smile then turned to the man next to him and started talking. Emily hurried away to put in the order on the computer, then went to the bar to retrieve the bottle of wine.