Page 131 of For the Love of Music

Seth reached back into the SUV and pulled out two handguns. “Chase said you only had one gun between you.” He handed Mark one along with an extra magazine. “You remember how to shoot?”

Mark frowned. “Of course.”

Seth raised his eyebrows at David. “You a good shot?”

David nodded. “I practice often.”

Seth nodded and glanced at Dani. “You ready?”

She nodded, pulling her gun from a concealed holster at her hip. “Yup.”

Seth grinned at Mark. “She’s from Arizona. She knows how to shoot.”

Dani shook her head. “We’re not all cowboys, dork.”

Mark frowned, wishing Seth would take the situation more seriously.

Seth, seeming to read his mind, put his hand on Mark’s shoulder. “You’re nervous and stressed out. I’m trying to help you relax so you can think straight.”

The older man was right. Mark could hardly keep his mind from racing from one thought to another. He blew out a breath and nodded. “Thanks.”

They made their way through the trees and thick brush, stopping several times so Seth could listen, finally stopping at the edge of a wide, circular gravel driveway.

Across the way, an enormous three-story log mansion loomed in the bright moonlight. A broad staircase led up to a back-lit glass door. A dark sedan was parked near the six-car garage. The top two floors of windows were dark.

“Nice place,” Seth muttered under his breath, looking around. “Evil bastards usually have nice places.” He shook his head. He pulled out his phone and cursed. “There’s no cell signal here. Shit. I wanted to call the cops after we figured out what was going on.”

“Surely there’s a landline or something in the house?” Dani asked.

“Good point.” He grinned and Dani smiled back nervously. “Can you take care of that once we figure out what’s going on?”

Dani nodded.

Seth studied the front of the cabin one more time before creeping toward the stairs, looking around as he did so. After motioning for the others to wait below, he made his way up the stairs, holding his weapon with both hands to the side of his hip.

Seth was a natural in these types of situations and Mark was thankful for his presence. He sucked in a silent breath as Seth peered through the frosted glass door. He tried turning the knob but it didn’t move. He paused for a long moment before motioning for the others to approach.

Seth shook his head as he pulled a small leather case out of his pocket and knelt next to the door. “Either this guy’s an idiot or a sociopath,” he said under his breath. “He doesn’t seem to have any guards.”

Seth picked the lock of the front door and pushed it open, holding his gun at his side. He motioned to the others to follow, and they did.

Seth stopped short in the doorway of what appeared to be a living room. “Shit,” he muttered. He stepped aside and motioned into the room. “Do you know him?”

Mark crept forward, swallowing as he saw the dead body lying in a pool of drying blood on a rug near the fireplace. The man’s pants were pulled down to his knees and the bottom of his face had been blown off. “I don’t. David?”

“Shit.” David leaned in, frowning. “I think that’s Geoffrey.” Dani stayed in the doorway and the men crept closer. “Yeah, that’s Geoffrey.”

“Emily’s boss, Geoffrey?” Mark asked.

David nodded, not looking away from the body.

Mark blew out a breath. “Where’s Emily?”

The ceiling squeaked and everyone looked up.

Seth put his finger to his lips and crept out of the room. Mark followed, his heart pounding a million miles a minute. What the hell was he doing on a rescue mission? He was a musician, not a commando.

But he couldn’t stay outside and wait, knowing Emily was likely in here enduring God-knew-what.