Page 132 of For the Love of Music

What had they done to her? Would he find her beaten and unconscious?

A soft cry reached his ears and he sucked in a breath. What were they doing to her?

Seth led the way up the stairs and paused for a moment before leading them down an oak-paneled hallway to a set of double wooden doors.

Mark frowned at the sounds coming from behind the door. It sounded like... someone having sex? The groans and moans were not of pain, but pleasure.

Seth counted down with his fingers and then pushed open the door weapon drawn, but froze and stared.

Mark stepped into the room, David right behind him, and his heart stopped.

Emily was there, yes, sandwiched in between Rafael and her father, her eyes closed, her mouth opened mid-cry.

Mark blinked and stared. What the hell was going on?

Rafael noticed them and laughed as if he were drunk. “Oh,querida, your friends have come to see you.” He laughed again. “How sweet. They think you’re here against your will.” Rafael stared straight into Mark’s eyes and smiled. “You want to join in? She’s always quite accommodating. I’m sure you’re familiar with her slutty ways.”

Mark tried to meet Emily’s eyes but she turned away.

He stared at the back of Emily’s head unable to move. His mind screamed what his eyes were seeing wasn’t real, but how could he deny it?

He swallowed back vomit and backed into the hallway. David followed a moment later, a bewildered look on his face.

Mark leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, shaking his head. It couldn’t be, could it? There was no way it was real, but he’d seen it, right? His eyes didn’t lie, but neither could his heart.

Seth stepped back and closed the door, and glanced at Mark.

Mark’s eyes burned as he ran his hand over his face. How was Emily in bed with her fucking father and the man who abused her for so long? Was she— “It doesn’t make any sense,” he whispered, looking at David, completely at a loss as to what to think or do. David looked as confused as Mark felt. “How is that possible?”

Seth stared at the door, a frown on his face.


Seth shook his head, still frowning at the door. “Something isn’t right.”

Low voices came from behind the door and Mark winced. At least she had the decency to look ashamed.


Emily watchedas Mark’s expression change from fierceness to disgust before walking away. She was frozen, unable to move. The big man who had opened the door stared at her for a moment longer, a puzzled look on his face, before he, too, turned away and closed the door.

“Too bad the others didn’t want to join in,querida. I would have gladly shared my happy pills.” Rafael kissed her shoulder. “Though I must admit, I’m not sure I want to share you when you’re in the middle phase of the drugs. You feel so amazing when you’re a willing partner.” He chuckled. “Of course, you feel amazing when you’re not a willing partner, too.”

He moved in her ass and a surge of reluctant pleasure rushed through her body. She shuddered and closed her eyes as Joe moved beneath her. Joe thrust up and she shivered and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ignore the building pressure in her lower abdomen as the men moved inside her. She didn’t want to enjoy it, but the drugs made it impossible to fight it. Her mind rebelled, her body rejoiced.

“I want you to come again before the pain starts,” Rafael whispered. “I want you to feel your daddy’s cum inside you. I want Mark to hear you come so he knows what a slut you are.” He thrust several times and she gasped and moaned. Joe squeezed her breasts and suddenly her body exploded and she cried out as the men throbbed inside her.

Tears ran down her cheeks as her body betrayed her. Again.

“Maybe he’ll get you pregnant again,” Rafael groaned in her ear, jabbing his cock deep into her body.

She tried to twist away but there was no escape from between them.

Her body suddenly went cold and she started shaking. The pain began in her stomach and spread into the rest of her body.

Rafael chuckled behind her. “Now the fun begins.”

He pulled out of her ass and shoved her onto her side, then walked across the room, returning a moment later. Emily stared at the strips of leather, her whole body shaking and on fire.