Emily ignored the doubt creeping into her heart and crawled out of bed to gather up David’s clothing. The shower was running and she tossed the pants and shirt into the dryer so he wouldn’t be wrinkled when he went home. If it didn’t appear as if his clothes had spent the night crumpled on the floor, maybe his wife wouldn’t give him a hard time.

She set his socks and boxer briefs on the bed and his shoes nearby.

He emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, with a blue towel wrapped around his hips, water droplets dripping from his dark hair to his shoulders. He smiled. “You didn’t leave me to search for my underwear and socks?”

Emily shrugged. “Your shirt and pants are in the dryer. They were a bit wrinkled.”

His smile widened. “That’s very thoughtful of you.” He pulled on his boxer briefs and sat on the bed. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”

Emily’s cheeks warmed and he laughed.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He patted the bed next to him and she sat. “I’d take you, but I’d have to shower again.” He glanced at his watch. “I do have to get to work sometime this morning.”

“What do you do?”

His eyebrows shot up and he smiled. “You don’t know who I am?”

She shook her head.

“That’s a pleasant surprise.” He chuckled and shook his head. “I run Warecorp. We develop software for a bunch of government agencies and media companies on the west coast. Mostly movie studios.”

Emily swallowed, hoping her face hadn’t gone pale. Did he know her father?Don’t be stupid. Why would he know him? Just because he develops the software doesn’t mean he knows the movie studio executives.

His brows knit together. “Emily? What’s wrong?”

She opened her mouth to brush it off but she remembered his request for her not to lie. She snapped her mouth closed and fiddled with the belt of her robe.

“Are you trying not to lie?” he asked, his voice gentle.

She nodded.

He tilted his head and studied her face for a long moment. “You’re from California?”

“How did you know?”

“Your accent. And you paled when I said something about movie companies.” He paused. “Did you run away from home?”

“Why would you think that?”

“Your age. Too young to run away from a bad marriage.” He smiled and she gave a nervous laugh. “Did you?”

She bit her lip and blinked several times before letting out a shaky breath and nodding.

“Hmm. Abusive father?”

She twisted her hands together in her lap. “I’d rather not say.”

He squinted and drew his brows together once more, then patted her leg. “I won’t ask more. Today. I might be able to help, though. I know some pretty influential people out there. I could take care of things for you, if you wanted.” He smiled.

She pressed her lips together.

The dryer sang out its finishing melody and Emily jumped up to retrieve his clothing. He dressed, watching her face. “If there’s anything I can ever do to help, please tell me. I’m sure someone out there is missing you.”

How did she respond to that? She couldn’t imagine who would be missing her.

“Your mom?”

She shrugged, still not sure of how to answer his questions. She doubted her mother missed her any more than her father did.