What the hell was wrong with him?

He shook his head and ran his hand through his wet hair.

Maybe a run would help.

He changed his clothes and headed out the front door, searching his phone for some music to distract him.


Emily stirredas the morning light crept up behind her closed eyes. She shifted on her hip and bumped into someone behind her.

“Mmm. Morning,” came a rough voice behind her. A male voice.


She turned and gave him a shy smile. “Morning.” He’d been a pleasant surprise the previous night. Kind. Determined to make her enjoy herself.

“What time is it?” he asked, his voice heavy with sleep.

She reached blindly for her phone and finally found it with her fingers. “Seven-thirty.”

He laughed, burying his face in the pillow. “Damn. Abby’s gonna shit.” He stretched and groaned.

“Abby’s your wife?”


“I thought you both cheated.”

He rubbed his face and sat up, tenting the comforter with his knees. “I usually try and make it home before morning.” He wagged his eyebrows. “You know. Neighbors and all.”


He put his hand on her. “Don’t worry about it. I enjoyed last night.”

She gave a shy smile. “I did, too.”

“I wasn’t too rough on you? Too demanding?”

She pressed her lips together, remembering his hands on her body. “No,” she whispered. “Not at all.”

“Good.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “When do you work next?”

“Wednesday, I think.”

He nodded slowly and pursed his lips. “I might have to stop in and have a drink.” He winked and shoved the bed covers to the side. He stood and stretched again. Emily smiled, enjoying the view.

He was semi-hard and she fisted her hands, resisting the urge to reach over and stroke him to hardness again. She’d not had a night with a man like him before. Except when she thought—

No. She didn’t want to think about Rafael’s lies.

The arrangement between her and David was clear. He was married. She worked at the Café and was his to use when he wanted her. Yes, she’d enjoyed him. A lot. But she was a body for him to use. She didn’t get attached.


She certainly wouldn’t start now.

David meandered into the bathroom and she lay back in the bed, studying the ceiling. David was kind. She’d made good money last night. Really good money. Hopefully, things would continue that way.