Page 130 of For the Love of Music

She tried to shake her head, but his hand wouldn’t move. Rafael’s hand moved up her hip and to her stomach. “I think you remember this pill,querida.” He kissed her neck. “If you’re good with this dose, I’ll share mine with you later.”

Emily swallowed, trying to rid her mouth of the bitter flavor she knew too well. The pills Rafael and her father took tasted like sugar and gave them unbelievable stamina, not to mention a blissful high that took away all inhibitions—well, what few inhibitions they possessed. The pill her father gave her promised a night of emotional and physical pain.

A few minutes later the room spun and her body grew hot. She moaned and closed her eyes as Rafael slid his fingers across the bottoms of her breasts. “It’s too bad you can’t remember how insatiable you are during the first phase of your favorite pill,querida,” he whispered, circling her nipple with his finger.

She gasped and arched her back toward his hand.

“You are such a demanding little whore, begging us to hurt you and fuck you senseless.” He kissed her neck. “It’s so much better when your mind clears and you know exactly what you are doing and begging for, unable to stop yourself.” He kissed her again. “How many times have you woken up riding your father’s giant dick like a two-dollar whore, enjoying the feeling of his cum filling your cunt like the slut you are.”

She tried to twist away, but both men held her in place.

“Then, my favorite part, when everything turns to pain...”

Her eyes drooped and closed as the drug took hold and she moaned as Rafael twisted her nipples hard.

“What do you want us to do to you, darling?” Her father’s hypnotic voice lulled her into the darkness. “Tell us what you want, Emma.”

“I want...”


Mark blewout a breath as a tiny double-prop plane taxied toward him and David. It stopped and a tall, muscular man, looking to be around fifty, extracted himself from the tiny rectangle that was the door of the plane. He stretched his arms over his head and bent his neck side to side, grimacing as he did.

Behind him, a woman in her early forties with long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail got out more gracefully and looked around.

“Seth!” Mark shouted, waving and walking toward him.

“Mark, how are you?” Seth said with his Texas drawl. A grin appeared, transforming his expression into the friendly one Mark was more familiar with. They shook hands and Mark introduced him to David.

“Mark, David, this is my... business associate, Dani. Dani, this is Mark Pierce and David Powell.”

Dani’s eyes widened. “You’re really him? Wow. My son would die.”

Mark glanced at Seth, who chuckled. “Her son plays the violin. Just left for a year of study abroad in Europe.”

“Wow, that’s great,” Mark said and gave an apologetic smile. “I’d love to chat about it later, but right now...”

“Omigosh. I’m so sorry. Of course, we have a job to do.” She lifted her chin and schooled her expression into one of seriousness. But after a second, she bit her lip and closed her eyes, her shoulders slumping the slightest bit.

“She’s new,” Seth said with a grin. He put his hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay.”

She blew out a breath and nodded.

“That your car?” Seth asked, motioning to the rental parked near the hangar.

Mark nodded.

“Let’s go,” he said, hefting a heavy bag onto his shoulder. “You can fill me in on the way.”

David drove north out of LA as Mark told Seth and Dani about meeting Emily and her turning up at the conference last week and then disappearing earlier in the evening.

“You checked their residences?” Seth asked.

“We did. No one was there.”

“It makes sense they’d have taken her somewhere off-grid. Makes her harder to find.” Seth glanced at his phone. “Cody got me some visuals of the place and it doesn’t appear to be guarded. Still, we should park and go in through the woods, rather than announcing our arrival.”

Seth directed David down a narrow dirt road and they traveled down several hundred feet before parking and getting out.