Page 61 of The Edge

‘’You as well Alpha!’’

‘’Let's go, we need to set off’, thank you Alpha’ replied Drayce.

We will meet again’’. Nodding in Drayce's direction.

Drayce mounted his horse, waiting with Finan. I turned to hug Kalypso, ‘’Meet up with us soon, take care of yourself and Ezra and yourself.”

‘’you as well princess, no getting into trouble without me, remember you're stronger than you think.”

Mounting my horse, attaching my bow, I had my arrows in my quiver on my back, ready for action. I looked over at Kalypso, ‘’ Have you heard from Kyquie?’’

‘’Only that he will meet you on the road, they are finalizing some things there.’’

Nodding in her direction, I pulled my hood up and rode out with Drayce and Finan. The townspeople starred as we rode by, some waved and smiled, some seemed happy we were leaving. It's good we are leaving, taking the trouble with us. These people have already endured too much.

As we were riding out of the Storm Forest land, the wolves running along beside us on both sides patrolling the grounds, we reached the end of the territory where the wolves stopped to howl sending us on our way, looking over at the wolves, putting my hand across my heart with a bow of respect, in return the wolves bowed back. Picking up speed, our horses ran full speed across the fields. The land would change from dire need of water to land flourishing. I wonder about the land flourishing if theFae who live on it, have they sided with Moranna and Zelos? Is that why it's flourishing? What of the land that's dying? Braking from my thoughts I asked anyone who was listening, “We haven't seen much of the Fae around? I wonder where they are?”

“They are hiding, or they are dead,” Finan replied.

We rode for what seemed like hours, across open fields through rocky terrain, across creeks and meadows, occasional deer or rabbit would scurry across our path. We would stop long enough to look at the map and let the horse rest, the moment we were rested we were back in the saddle. My ass felt it, I was ready for a break myself, but I had to keep going, everything depended on me, from the Fae all the way down to the smallest of animals.

The weather changed fast, clouds were rolling in, the sky was darkened, thunder rumbling in the distance. A storm was burrowing, we would be caught right in the middle, light rain started to trickle down, Drayce called for us to take shelter pointing towards the rock formation taking guard in front of the trees in the distance, picking up speed we made it just in time before the downpour. Walking our horses under the cover of trees, tying their rains to the branches, pulling off our packs, I followed Finan and Drayce inside the rocky formation. Drayce spoke once we were inside. ‘’That was close, we will stay here for the night, get some rest for now then we will head out at first light.’’

‘’Sounds good to me, my ass is numb,’’ finding a spot on the ground, I unrolled my bedding, taking a seat letting out a heavy sigh, I hope Z and Ky get to us soon, it’s going to be so different with Zadkiel as a wolf, I’m not sure how that's going to work out’’

Finan sat down beside me with his own furs not too far away, ‘’I’m sure Alpha Henley has Zedkiel in a good spot to control his animal side, he will be more protective of you, more than he was before, his senses will be heightened. He will be good to have around,’’ help protect you. Have no fear Aykiz, they will be with us soon and hopefully we will reach the Mage.”

“It seems like this map changes every time I look at it Finan.” A thought occurred to me, I wonder if it does change, with Macian on the move, the map could be changing with him, reaching into my pack I pulled out the map, opening it up showed that we were right, the map had changed again, Looking over at Finan in a what the fuck look. Macian was on the move, at least it seemed he was moving towards us. Laughing, this map reminds me of Harry potter's map, too bad it didn't show who and where everyone was, that would be helpful to avoid the enemy, sadly we are not that cool.

‘’Looks like he's moving towards us, I told the guys, we need to keep checking the map, making sure we meet in the middle, hopefully without issues.’’

“Agreed, the less trouble we have the better, but we haven't been so lucky so far. Replied Finan. ‘’When the time comes, we will be ready, replied Drayce.’’

‘’Can we start a fire? Guys?

‘’ I think we are safe enough to have a fire, I’ll look for some kindling.’’ replied Finan, standing up walking out into the rain. ‘’Drayce?’’

‘’Yeah, what is it?“

‘’Do you think Bhaltair is out there with Moranna?”

‘’I don't know Aykiz, I hope he's not but after what happened back at the castle, it seems like he switched sides, I won't let him hurt you, Aykiz.”

‘’You can't always be there Drayce.”

“When he's not I will be, Finan walked in with an arm load of kindling. ‘’You will not be alone Aykiz, one of us will be with you and if you find yourself alone, remember who you are, the powers that run through you, you are stronger than you think, use that and you will find your strength.”

’Thank you Finan, it means so much to me to have you all at myside through all this.”

We sat around in silence, watching the flames flick across the rocks, casting shadows, with the heat from the fire creating a comfortable atmosphere, the soothing drum of the rain beating outside creating nature's symphony, curling up on the furs, listening to the soothing sounds pulling me under. I find myself on the edge with Alistar there watching over the mystical world, he's like the guardian of dragons. ‘’Little one, you honor me with another visit’’

“Alistar it is always good to see you, what are you doing?” Walking over to him, taking a seat next to him, leaning against his side. Feeling the rumble of his chest vibrate through mine, ‘’how am I able to come here and see you and this world, but on the outside?”

“it's spelled, frozen in time? The magic inside you little one, you can see through it, dream walking, No one knows where the entrance is, that’s why it's called the Hidden Valley’’.

Hidden Valley? I like that, I want to see this world flourishing wild and thriving, the dragons strong and playing, I want to be here for real’’.

‘’Once your blood breaks the spell our world will thrive, Aykiz we will come alive.”