Page 54 of The Edge

Ezra leans in kissing me lightly on the lips. ‘’It's hard to sit here close to you and not kiss you.”

‘’I enjoy your kisses.” Leaning in closer, I kissed him back, Ezra pulled me onto his lap, my heart pounding, his hands slid up my hips around my back, holding me to him deepening the kiss. Wrapped up in Ezra arms, kissing him like this so close together, I didn't want this to end.

A light flips on in the kitchen, a throat clear. I jumped off Ezra like my ass was on fire, shit. Ezra leans his head back, breathing fast, eyebrow raised, Looking over at me with a smile. “That was close.”

“I should go to bed, Ezra, kissing him one more time. I stood to go inside, opening the door and I ran into Elijah.

Shocked showed up on both pour faces. You’re still up?” I said to him.

“I could say the same about you, Aykiz. You shouldn't be out by yourself, even being on my lands. We don't know how far Zelos has reached.”

‘’You're right! I'll be more careful; I should get some rest’’

Elijah cleared his throat ‘’Yes, Sunrise will be soon.”

Walking to my room, my heart pounding. ‘’Did Elijah hear Ezra and I making out? He probably did with his wolfy hearing. Climbing in bed, drifting off to sleep, dreaming of Ezra.

The rise of the sun came bursting through my window, I rolled over the sun blinding me, reminding me I have a day full of training. I get to learn how to shoot the bow, I'm so excited. The more weapons the better. Climbing out of bed I find a set of clothes laying across the foot of the bed. A pair of black leggings, Black top, a laced corset and my knee-high boots. I found a belt with my daggers connected to it. I wonder who the designer is around here. I should thank them. Looking at myself, I’m looking badass in this outfit.

I reached the kitchen where everyone seemed to be already eating, dressed for a day of kicking ass. “Good morning!” I announced, taking a seat beside Drayce and Ezra. Ezra hands me a cup of coffee, morning “Aykiz, how did you sleep?”

“I slept great, thanks.”

“Are you ready to spar with me Aykiz?”

‘’Yes, but after I have shooting lessons with Elijah, then I will spar with you.”

‘’Right, shooting with Elijah of course! Ezra stood up then and walked towards the back door, I'll see you later.”

‘’What is his problem,” Whispered Kalypso?

I believe he is jealous of the bond Aykiz, and I share. The boy's feelings are strong for you.”

‘’Yes, and I care for him as well.’’

‘’Aykiz, we need to speak privately, Drayce said in a concerned voice.

‘’Sure, standing, want to walk for a few minutes?”

‘’Please excuse us, Alpha.” Drayce nodded towards Elijah

‘’ Of course, I will meet you at the archery range Aykiz.”

“Okay I’ll see you soon.” I turned walking outside with Drayce.

Outside waiting on Drayce, looking around at the people in the pack, busying themselves preparing for the day, a few nods and good mornings my way. It's peaceful here, calming, I could see myself in a place like this, a simple but hard-working way of life.

Drayce steps out of the door walking out to meet me. ‘’Look, I already know what you're going to say, stay away from Ezra.”

Holding up his hand for me to stop talking, Drayce began explaining, “Aykiz, I know you and Ezra have feelings for each other, but it must stop where it’s at, not only because he is a warrior and not in rank with you, but you have a destiny that does not lead you to him.”

‘’Well, it looks like it is leading me to him right now Drayce, why can't I enjoy it while it lasts? Why have these feelings and not be able to act on them?”

‘’ I don't have an answer for that Aykiz, I know Ezra is a great guy and would honor you and love you, but well I just don't want you to get hurt in the end. Just be careful Aykiz, guard your heart. “

Thanks, I will be fine.” Walking off towards the archery field where Elijah waits, Finan started after me only to stop, putting up my hand for him to stay. I need just a few minutes alone, Finan, I will be alright alone. It's a short distance to the Archery fields. ‘’As you wish, my lady’’.

Guard my heart he says,well I may not live through this chaos, so why not enjoy Ezra affections. Walking onto the archery field, seeing Elijah drawing back his bow, releasing it with a thwack, bullseye. Elijah turned looking at me, with a wink, “how was your walk.