Page 53 of The Edge

I spoke with Kyique and Zedkiel. Zedkiel is doing well, anxious to get back to Aykiz. Kyquie spoke with the Alpha Henley, he is on our side and when the time comes, he will be there to support us.”

‘’That's great news, we will need as much help as we can when the battle begins’’.

‘’I spoke with Alistar, Drayce. He told me to practice and be prepared for what comes next, that Macian is close but far away, it doesn't make much sense, Alistar always has riddles’’.

’In the morning we will meet to go over your skills in combat and I would like you to work with Kalypso on your darkness and spirit channeling.”

‘’Alpha, do you have a place we can practice?”

Elijah swallowed his whiskey before speaking. ‘’Yes, it will be arranged!

‘’Drayce, in the prophecy it states that I will have a protector and a mate.”

‘’Yes, I remember, what are you thinking Aykiz?

‘’Alistar said that my protector is close, and my mate is unknown, More riddles.

Drayce looked over at Elijah, Aykiz I believe Elijah is your protector. ‘’Once the blood oath was taken, you became connected with Elijah. Fate brought you two together for a reason.

Looking over at Elijah, He was smiling. ‘’When I saw you on the ground bloody, fighting off that wolf and protecting my daughter, I felt a connection to you, Aykiz. I knew I needed to protect you. The blood bond we share, has connected our souls deeply. My pack and myself will stand with you. You are my blood, my family Aykiz. In the short period of time, we have spent together has shown me just how much we need each other.”

A slamming door interrupted the intensity in the room. Ezra was gone. I stood to go after him when Drayce put his hand on my arm, ‘’Let him go Aykiz. He needs time to adjust.” Frustrated I sat back down on the furs glaring a hole in the floor, I looked up at Drayce.

“I tried to speak with Alistar earlier outside, I was frustrated and pulled on my darkness enough to pull Bane from the shadows.”

’Bane was here?” Drayce stood to go look for him, I reached out grabbing his leg

‘’Yes, he was but he disappeared into the shadows.

‘’What did he say?’’, demanded Drayce?

Only that he was keeping to the shadows waiting to claim what is his, ME! I’m getting sick of these men saying I'm theirs. ‘’ I’m not anyone’s.”

‘’Bane does have a claim to the dragon kingdom, well he did when he was going to marry Narcissa’’. Narcissa and Bane the shadow king had made a bond through the summer and shadow kingdoms. They would unite, bringing the two kingdoms together. Narcissa was connected to the dragons, Bane to the shadow walkers, together they would be a powerful couple’’.

“That's why Bane wants me to become more powerful?”

‘’I’m not Narcissa or bonded to the shadow king, or anyone. Elijah clearing his throat, well I am bonded to you Elijah, so I guess that's different.

The crackling of the fire was the only thing heard in the silence of the room, the heat wrapping me in a blanket isn't hot enough to chase out the chill created by Ezra’s absence. I wish Zedkiel was here, he would make a smart-ass comment to cheer me up, I need my bestie. Sending out a message to the universe, ‘’hurry up Zedkiel. This keeps getting more complicated. ‘’What I wouldn't give to be back in the parking lot with Ezra, where it seemed simpler.

I need to focus on stopping Morana and Zelos, time for love will have to wait. Looking at Elijah, ‘’ will you teach me how to shoot a bow?”

‘’I would be honored Aykiz; I will meet you in the morning hours to get started’’. Elijah stood, turning towards me,’’ In this world we live in, love and family is all we have, if Ezra and you are meant to be then it will happen. I know he is upset with me for the blood oath, but in the end it's better we have a connection in case you need me. You are both young Aykiz, your future is still being created.” Winking at me, good night, Aykiz, sleep well.”

‘’Good night, Elijah, thank you. Nodding in my direction Elijah walked out of the room.


Climbing into bed that night, my mind racing had me tossing and turning. Sleep was beyond me tonight. I climb out of bed, slip on my shoes wrapping a blanket around myself, and close the door quietly behind me. walking outside to see the stars shining bright, covering the sky. Smoke rising from the chimneys creating an eerie glow through the sky. Taking a seat by the back door, breathing in the fresh air. Leaning my head back gazing up at the stars, wondering where my destiny lies. A noise on the side of the house drew my attention to Ezra walking around the corner. He sat down next to me, “Couldn't sleep either? I ask him.

‘’No, too much on my mind.”

‘’Mine too.” I let out a breath leaning back gazing back up at the stars.

‘’I want you to know that no matter what happens, you will have a place in my heart Aykiz, I will be by your side either way. Knowing you and Elijah have a bond, drives me crazy, I'm jealous because I want you to be mine. I don't want to share you, Aykiz.’’

Ezra, I'm not interested in Elijah that way, I like you, Ezra. The bond we share is different. The connection I have with you it's more than friends. Everyone says we can’t be together because of rank or whatever but what about love, I’m not saying it's love between us but what if it can be? Why can't we see where this goes?”