Page 48 of The Edge

Finan and Drayce got out, while we stayed in the water watching the forest. Eyes met mine, locked in on me was a brown rusty looking wolf, I didn't get a nice feeling from it. Ezra there’s a wolf there pointing to where it was standing. Looking at Ezra, ‘’I don't see anything, Aykiz’’. It was just there Aleko.

Once dressed, Finan and Drayce drew their swords, “Get out and dress Aykiz now.”

Finan walked over with a towel ready to hand it to me, swimming closer to Finan, a force hit my back knocking me under the water. Coming up, I see Ezra fighting off a brown wolf. Finan ran into the water grabbing me, wrapping me in a towel, pulling me out of the water.

‘’Are you hurt Aykiz?’’

‘’No, I'm okay, Fin.

Kalypso throws balls of blue lighting at the wolf, paralyzing it. Ezra dragging it out of the water, is it dead I ask?”

No, just knocked unconscious, we will take him to the Alpha, see who side he's on.I want you all to be ready to leave if this turns out the Alpha lied to us. Drayce bit out in clinched teeth.

Finish dressing, we need to get out of here. If that Alpha betrayed us, I would have his head Finan demanded. I’m getting real pissed off at these Dogs, growled Finan.

Great job on kicking its ass Ezra and Ky. Walking back towards the Wolf den, people were really looking now with Ezra carrying the wolf over his shoulder, he looked hot doing it too.

We reached the entrance of the village, Alarik ran towards us, what happened my lady? Who is that and why is he not moving?”

This wolf attacked me, run along and get your Alpha please.”

Yes’’ ma’am. Alarik ran down to the large hut sitting out on the edge of the village, he made it to the Alphas Den, a few seconds later out came Elijah, the man is massive, walking toward us with a murderous look in his eyes, ‘’what is this, pointing to the wolf.”

Finan walked between me and the alpha, stop right there Alpha, did you send this wolf after the princess?”

Elijah, got right into Finan's face with a growl of his own, with a low firm Alpha voice ‘’I would never betray Aykiz, I will hold to that promise, till I die, now step back.”

Finan held the alphas gaze with a determined look. “Finan!” I placed my hand on his arm, its okay. If he betrays me than you can have his head but until then step back, please. Finan stepped back but kept his eyes trained on the alpha.

‘’Alpha this wolf attacked my sister in the springs, any idea who he belongs to?’’ Demanded Drayce.

The Alpha shook his head, he was not part of my pack growled, Elijah.

‘’He is alive but knocked out, I told Elijah.

‘’He will wake up soon and when he does, we will get answers, ‘’Guards! Yelled Elijah, the men standing guard ran over, “yes Alpha.”

“Take this wolf to the prison, I’ll be there soon.”

‘’Yes Alpha, picking up the wolf off the ground where Ezra had put it. The guards walked off carrying the wolf, when he woke up, he would be in for a rude awakening, by my men and the Alpha. I wouldn’t want to be like him, I almost feel sorry for him.

‘’Aykiz, please accept my apologies, I thought you would be safe here. I will find out how he was able to pass my guards.”

‘’Did you have guards stationed by the springs Alpha?”

Yes, I had 4 guards, I had them stay close but give you privacy, they shouldn't have gone far.”

’Why they had not shown when the commotion took place has me worried.” Signaling to more guards, they came to the alpha bowing, “take a patrol by the springs, find out why our guards did not show up. “Yes alpha!”

They would have protected you Aykiz, for that I am sorry. Please come inside, we will discuss this further.”

Finan walked in front of me with the rest surrounding me. When you question the wolf, I will be there, demanded Drayce. I will have his head for attacking my sister.

‘’Yes of course my lord.

Taking a seat in front of the fire, I spoke up, they are not giving up, they will keep coming for me. They know I'm here, and where I am going.”

Alpha sat across from me, leaning forward reaching for my hand, “Aykiz you are more powerful than you know, and they fear the day you discover how powerful you are. I've seen just a taste of what you are capable of, they know you are the one to bring about this prophecy, without you they will win. That's what they want. Zelos and Morana want to rule this world. We will die fighting to protect you and the Fae kingdom.”