Page 49 of The Edge

We want our land to flourish again, my people and all kingdoms need you princess, I will give you my blood oath!”

The Alpha pulled out a dagger slicing his hand, holding out the dagger in one hand. ‘’Aykiz, think very carefully before you make this blood oath, once it is done you cannot go back, demand Drayce, you will be able to communicate and be in each other's thoughts. It's almost like becoming mates.”

Well that part isn't happening Drayce, I warned him. If we do this, I will not be your mate, Elijah.

‘’We will have to be intimate for that to come true Aykiz, as attractive as you are my lady, I only wish to give you my strength, protect you. It's an honor and loyalty. Making this blood oath is so that you have our allegiance, our protection, you will be able to locate me and I you through the shared bond. You will become part of my pack, ’family!” The more protection you have the better.

Grabbing the dagger, I sliced my hand open, grasping his hand in mine, the intercity of the electric current that flowed through me took me and the alpha by surprise I felt him, I felt the pack bond. The Alpha energy was wrapped around mine and together they joined, causing sparks of electricity to flow through us both floating throughout the room. The shock on the alphas face from the bond that was created, was priceless.

‘’You're one powerful woman, together we will fight.” Looking around the room, my guards along with my brother had shocked faces. We need the pack to help us fight, creating this bond was a shock for me too, I just hope I didn't make the wrong choice.

I alpha of the storm forest pack pledged myself and my pack to you Princess Aykiz of darkness. I am Alpha Wolf, it is my strength that flows through you, my cry you hear from the shadows, my heart beats in yours, I am your wolf, we are one, Aykiz of darkness. ‘’We will fight for you until our last breath, when you need me, I shall be there all you need to do is call’’.

That is intense, I’m not so sure what to say to all of that, I just sit there staring at Elijah. Are you sure your pack will back me up and accept me?”

Howls were heard all around us, inside the Den and outside, I believe that is a hell yes, my lady. Grinning, the alpha stood, kissing my hand, welcome to the pack Aykiz.”

Thank you, Alpha Elijah, I am honored.”

Winking at me, the honor is all mine princess. Elijah poured us all a round of my new favorite- whiskey courage. Wow, that was intense, I feel stronger, braver than I ever did before. Having the pack with us in this fight will better our odds.

‘’I believe it is time we meet with our new friend; he’s awake Elijah spoke like he was ready to tear this wolf apart.

‘’My lady, you may stay here or join us.

‘’I think I will leave the interrogation up to you Alpha and my brother. I must admit I am tired and wish to rest.”

‘’As you wish my lady, Alice will show you to your rooms when you are ready.”

‘’Ezra stay with Aykiz and Kalypso, I will go with Drayce and the Alpha. Ezra nodded at Finan.

‘’Finan, I called after him, Standing going to him, hugging him. Thank you for always protecting me even if it's from myself.”

Always Princess, tell my dying day.” Bowing Finan stepped out the door heading to the wolf that should fear him. Finan is scary when he is mad.



Blood oath! What was I thinking? I wasn't thinking clearly. Aykiz is powerful, so powerful that she can bring down this kingdom with a flick of her wrist and she doesn't even know it. I tasted her power, just a taste and it had me wired like electricity flowing through my veins. I want her for my own, I'm still young, in my prime, maybe she would want to stay. No, I can't think like that. I gave part of myself to her through the bond, I can't help but be drawn to her.

The first time I saw her, laying on the ground covered in blood with her eyes sparkling gray like lightning ready to strike. protecting my daughter, with her life brought her closer to my heart. I could have lost my daughter that day, but instead fate had intervened with this white-haired beauty. Aykiz is to be the one to stop all this death and destruction, she will save my pack and Faire, giving her my blood oath will give her strength and a piece of my soul. I will need my strength to stay away from her or I'll fall hard for HER!

Walking into the prison, I could hear the chains rattling and the whimpers coming from the cell the wolf was in. My guards know I am coming, contacting them throughout the mental link. They know I'm furious, that a wolf came onto my property and attacked my guest. My wolf is ready to eat this boy alive, we must be patient and get answers, I whisper to him.

‘’Alpha our scouts came back, they found two of our guards dead. The other 2 are gone.”

Looking at this wolf that is cowering in the corner. ‘’Shift! I command the wolf, NOW! The wolf shifts into a teenage boy, you have one chance to tell me the truth, start talking,

‘’Who are you and where are you from?’’

I’m Seth, from the blood pearl pack.”

Growling came from my guards and myself. ‘’Why are you here? ‘’Why did you attack the lady?”

‘’I was told to come here and take out the lady with white hair or my sister will be killed. Zelos has her, she is all I have left.

Do you know who she is?”