Page 40 of The Edge

The man started nodding. “Good, leave now.” Letting my darkness fade from the man, he turned and sprinted back the way he came.


Our group took off on our horses in a fast-paced direction towards a place where we could rest and get Zedkeil fixed up. Looking over at Z, he seemed like he might fall off the horse. I pulled up next to him and Finan on the other side helped hold him up. Z was barely conscious, he looked bad. “We need to find a place right now, Finan are we close?”

“Yes, my lady, we are almost there.”

We reached a cabin on the outskirts of the village; it was an old fisherman's cabin by the look of it. It looked like one gust of wind would knock it over. I hope this place doesn't collapse on top of us. Finan and Arkyan carried Zadkiel in and laid him down on the cot.

“Kyique and Kalypso will do what they can princess.”

The pair started pulling Zedkiel shirt off, looking over his wound on his arm. “This has spread fast; the venom is in his blood now.”

You can see the black spreading up from his arm across his chest. Kyique waved his hand over Z, which caused Z blood to glow this indigo purple. Wow, so cool but creepy. “

Can you stop it? Please do something, I can't lose him.”

We will do our best to keep him alive, let's hope he is strong enough to become a shifter instead. Is it either he dies or becomes one of them?

‘’Yes, but he shouldn't want to kill you like they do.

That's comforting. He knows who you are Aykiz.”

Aykiz come help me while they work on Z.” Ezra spoke in a soft tone.

I would rather sit here with him, Ezra. Ill stay out of the way.

‘’as you wish, Ezra nodded and turned to leave.

Watching the pair of mages work on my best friend was intriguing and scary. Kyique did something with his hands sending out blue sparking light over Zedkeil body. Kalypso was making a tincture for him to drink. I held up Z's head, so Kalypso concoction could be poured down his throat. Zedkeil, you need to drink this down all of it. Zedkiel drank the potion down, with a grimacing face. I lay his head back down on the pillow, he soon fell asleep.

“Now we wait princess, let the potion and Ky healing magic work. It won't cure him, only keep him comfortable.”

We will know more in the next hours if he will live or not. You need rest as well, why don't you come lay by the fire and get some sleep.” Kyique replied in a hopeful voice.

“I'm not moving from his side, He’s my best friend, he needs me.” I looked around the room letting them I’m not moving.

Everyone made up their beds and turned in for the night. Except Ezra and I. Ezra stayed up for guard duty and to keep an eye on Zedkeil. I couldn’t sleep while Z was in this position. Ezra sat next to me where I sat on the floor by Zedkeil bedside. I leaned into him and let him comfort me. ‘’ Why couldn't things be different Ezra?”

‘’What do you mean?”

“Why couldn't we still be by the waterfall celebrating my birthday and getting to know each other, Why can't we be together?” Does my best friend have to die or become a wolf?”

‘’I wish things were different. Aykiz, Z will pull through this. He will be a wolf; we will be here to help him. Not all wolves are bad. Just Zelos pack. We will find another shifter to help him get through the change. As for you and me, I would rather hold you in my arms for the rest of my life and kiss you anytime I want.

I didn't wait for him to kiss me; I leaned in and brushed my lips across his. I was tired of waiting and what ifs. Ezra looked at me with a shocked expression but leaned in and kissed me with such passion that made my heart pound.

A throat cleared in the other room. I look over to see Drayce smiling at us but shaking his head. Giggling at Drayce I smiled with a nod of my head. Ezra mouthed thank you to Drayce for now kicking his butt.

‘’Your brother knows my heart belongs to you Aykiz. He even said he wishes we could be together.”

‘’ When I am queen I will change the rules, then we can be together.”

Kissing my forehead and pulling me into his arms, that was where I stayed till morning. I woke to someone shaking me awake, I opened my eyes to see Drayce. “

Wake up sleepy head you don't want to piss off Finan.”

Why would I piss him off? Drayce had a smirk on his face, realizing I fell asleep on Ezra, reality hit me, I moved away from Ezra closer to Zedkiel's side. Zedkeil was still unconscious, pale as a sheet and burning up. “