Page 39 of The Edge

‘’Zedkeil are you alright? ‘

’Yes, I am fine, I just need to rest, I think.

Looking over at Zedkeil, he was sweating and pale. Taking a seat at the table in the back with Zedkiel and Finan, while Drayce and Kalypso went to get supplies.

Z’’ you look horrible, did you eat something bad?

“No, I'm just tired.

I don't think so, Z you swimmer, 10 miles across the lake back home, hiking shouldn't knock ya down.

Finan started looking Z over, reaching for Zedkiel's arm, when he found the source of Z's problem.” Finan grimaced

‘’This isn't good, Z why didn’t you say anything about being bitten?”

‘’Well, it was just a nip, nothing bad. I washed it in the river’’ Z replied in

‘’What is happening to him, Finan’’? ‘

’He is very sick from the wolf bite, being human has made him susceptible, he will either die or shift.

SHIFT? Like into a wolf!” I screeched in a lower voice.

‘’Yes, calm down my lady, we do not want any unwanted attention right now. We need to get Z out of here and somewhere he can heal or the latter.

‘’He will not die, he can't, he's my best friend’’.

Z started coughing and slumping over in the chair, Finan grabbed him, holding him up. Drayce and Kalypso walked over with supplies.

Kalypso, we need you and Ky to work your magic on Zedkiel, he has been bitten.

‘’OH, you crazy boy, why didn't you say something’’. Bending down Kalypso examined Z arm where he was bitten.

‘’We need to go somewhere close soon, so we can treat him. Drayce handed me his bags to carry while he and Finan helped carry out Z. walking out into the night air, seeing Ezra standing there with the horses was a sight.”

Ezra, we need help getting Z up on the horse, we must find a spot to heal him as fast as we can. They worked on putting Z up on the horse while we tied the bags on the other horses. Arkyn and Ky walked up with more horses looking over at Z being put on the horse. “What happened?”

My lady, are you ok? Demanded Arkyn

‘’Yes, I'm ok, just worried about Z, he’s been bitten by a wolf’’.

“Aykiz get on your horse we need to move out. Arkyn! yelled Drayce get her up now we have company. Looking around I noticed some farmers with pitchforks and shovels standing in front of us like it was a witch hunt or something. I tried not to laugh thinking of that. Arkyn boosted me up onto my horse. Arkyn is beside me as he climbed up on his horse.

Kyique and Kalypso eyes started changing colors, Kyique eyes turned a molten gold, with Kalypso eyes turned red. Well shit is about to go down. Drayce started talking, you lot have no need to attack us, we are on our way out. “

‘’You have the young lady there, pointing in my direction. she has the look of the one people are saying will be our destruction, shouted the man in overalls and a pitchfork. Hand her over and we will let you pass.”

‘’They will do no such thing sir, I am not your destruction or anyone’s, step out of the way.

“We will lady once you get off that horse and come with us peacefully or we can take you by force.”

Raising my voice, I let them know I’m done playing around.” If you persist in fighting then, it will be your undoing, choose sir. What will it be?”

The man advanced with intent on spearing me with his pitchfork. A whip of wind whooshed by knocking the man down, the rest of the group looked at my guard’s eyes, they were glowing unnatural colors. “You are witches” they shouted.

Now I had to laugh at that. Looking over at Zedkeil knowing he didn't have time for this. I pulled on the darkness letting it seep out of my hands to wrap around the man still screeching. I needed him to be quiet before more people joined in, the darkness must have understood what I wanted, it wrapped around the man's mouth silencing him.

“Now we don't want to fight, this is your last chance. “Turn around and go home or my men will silence you forever.” Looking at the man with darkness wrapped around him, are you going to leave us in peace?”