Page 36 of The Edge

Ezra smiled, reaching out to move my hair behind my ear. I'll always be there to catch you if you fall Aykiz. Ezra eyes are easy to get mesmerized in. Throat clearing caused me to jump back from Ezra, Arkyn was standing there like a thorn in my side.

‘We need to get moving, we have a lot of ground to cover Princess.”

Ezra and Arkyn glaring at each other, Ezra was just keeping me from dying Arkyn. These berries are poisonous.”

Thank you, Ezra!”

Dryace came up between Arkyn and Ezra. Putting his arm around him,” Let's get moving.

“Aykiz shall we, Arkyn waving his hand in front of me,

“Yeah, sure why not.” Walking to Zedkeil, “I'm getting really pissed off at everyone stepping in between Ezra and me. Why should it matter if we start seeing each other?”

If you were back home, it wouldn't matter Aykiz but here you are the Princess. Rules are different here. I'm sorry honey, I wish things were different, maybe when this is all over and you become queen you can make your own rules.”

“You're right Zedkiel, you're the best. That's what I'm going to do.


We continued in silence for what seemed like hours when Drayce called for us to stop and rest. Finding a spot under a giant tree that had leaves big enough to shade a dinosaur I sat back against the tree with Drayce and Zedkeil beside me. Handing out apples and cantines of water, I took the time to soak up the scene around me. The guards all took up positions around us but took out their own cantines and fruit. “

Can either of you hunt a rabbit or some meat for dinner tonight, asked Zedkeil? I need some meat in this body before I face plant a tree.”

Kyique started laughing, “sure thing Z, I’ll round up some heir for you.”

“Hair did you just say hair?”

“No not like hair on your head, but heir like rabbit Z.”

“Oh yes right! My mind is shutting down Aykiz”.

“Ha-ha you're a dork Z, that's why I love you.”

We will stay here tonight, make camp and you three go hunting,” Finan demanded pointing at Kyquie, Ezra and Arykin. The guards left with their bows and arrows.

“Hopefully they bring back some meat. I'm starving,” I whispered to Drayce.

Those three are great trackers and hunters. They will bring back some meats, why don't we get settled for the night, Zedkeil come help me find some wood for a fire. Kalypso will stay with you, Aykiz.”

Kalypso came to sit next to me, “how are you doing princess?”

I’m okay, just taking it all in.”

Would you like to practice your abilities? This is a perfect calm place to practice.”

“Let's give it a try,” I sit up and close my eyes, taking a few deep breaths visualizing my powers, feeling the warmth of magic coating my body, “Spirit please join me, a tingling sensation floated down my arms. I open my eyes to see a mist looking thing floating in front of me. I squealed, Kalypso placed her hand on my arm, deep breath Aykiz stay calm.”

I'm doing it Kalypso, do you see the mist thing there,” pointing 3 feet in front of me.

Yes! I see the spirit, focus more Aykiz bring it closer to the surface.”

I concentrate more on the spirit; I ask it to become more solid. As I give more of my energy to the spirit, it becomes a woman, not just any woman, it's Narcissa.“How am I able to bring you here?”

“Narcissa is it really you, blinking back tears I stand up reaching out to her, Narcissa smiles at me, “Yes Aykiz it's me!”

Wait, how are you here?”

You pulled me to you Aykiz. We are part of a soul, you and I.” Narcissa walks closer to the tower of trees and turns around. “You picked a beautiful spot Aykiz, I used to love going to the forest. I would meet Thalia. We both searched out peace and serenity. Our kingdoms could be tough sometimes, we just needed to breathe.’