Page 2 of The Edge

He stood there smiling at me until his friend smacked him, “Hey! Ezra, who is this beauty you are talking to?

“Kyique, Drayce, this is Aykiz. We ran into each other this morning”

I muttered an awkward hello while I trained my eyes to the ground. I found it near impossible to not stare at Ezra.

“Well, Aykiz, I'm delighted to meet you replied Kyique. Drayce just stood there staring at me, until Ezra smacked him in the shoulder to get his attention.

“Oh, sorry I had Deja vu, you look like someone I know. '' Nice to meet you, replied Drayce is a confused voice.

Looking at Drayce, with a confused look of my own, thinking what a weird reaction to have, who else could look like me? White hair is not very common for young people, defiantly old people. I brush it off, not reading too much into it. “It’s good to meet you guys, I haven't seen you around here before.” Did you just move here?” In all my years of living in this town, neither of the boys looked familiar.

“We just moved here from the south, army brats”, Ezra said.

“Right, I nodded. Well, it's good to have new faces around here, I'll see you guys around. Backing up to my car I opened my door and was about to get in when Ezra put his hand on my shoulder.

“Aykiz, would you want to go out this weekend with me? Ezra asked with hopeful eyes.

My heart started pounding. This stunning man wanted to go out with me. “It’s my birthday this weekend, so I'm not sure what I’ve got planned.

‘’How about I give you my number and when you have time, give me a call? Ezra whispered. I put his number in my phone and promised to call him. As I got into my car and drove away, the butterflies stirred in my stomach. I knew I wanted to spend my birthday with Ezra, Who wouldn't?


It was Friday and the last day of school, with hot summer days and the promise of shorts and tank tops with flip flops, it was no wonder everyone was excited and running around the hallways yelling and talking about what parties they were going to and what they were doing for the summer. I was in my own world thinking about the dragon and why I have not seen it anymore and why I hadn’t had any more dreams. I must be losing my mind.

On the way to lunch, Zedkeil bumped into me. “Earth to Aykiz,” He waved his hand in front of my face. “Where are you at right now honey, you have been in a daze this whole week, are you nervous about your birthday?

Officially 18! Smiling at Z, I said

“Yes and no.” I met someone and he asked me out this weekend.”

“Wait a minute honey, when did this happen and why am I just now hearing about it? Tell me all the details''.

I explained everything to Zedkiel on the way to the cafeteria. ‘’

You should invite him to your birthday, we could go to the falls this weekend to celebrate,”

That sounds like fun to me.'' I replied, ``We can camp out and spend the weekend there.” “I’ll run it by my mom and see what she thinks’ Z winked and let Mr. Hottie know too. I would love to meet this mystery guy who has my girl all in a daze”

Z had been my best friend since grade school. Zedkiel is 6’ft with black hair shaved on the sides with some length on top, like a drop fade haircut, his eyes are deep set green. He’s An all-around jock that girls would be all over but, Z is also gay. I absolutely loved him. He was the first one that invited me to his birthday party in 3rd grade. I bought him a comic book with Thor on it, he thought Thor was hot too. We became best friends from there.

We sat at our table in the back by the window facing the garden area. Z had just sat down with his food when Drayce, Ezra and Kyquie walked in. The vibe in the room immediately changed and everyone paused and stared at them as they walked into the cafeteria.

Looking up, I met Ezra’s eyes, and he immediately smiles and winked. My gaze flowed as they make their way through the line and walked to their table. Glancing over again, I notice Drayce staring at me with a bit of shock and curiosity.

“Earth to Aykiz,’’ said Z. “What is going on with you?”

‘’Oh, I'm sorry, what were you saying?” I quickly adverted my eyes and blinked innocently at Z. But I was too late. Z followed my line of sight and noticed who I had been staring at.

“Okay you are forgiven for not listening to me, those guys are striking, Z said as he fanned his face with his hand. “Weird how we never saw them all year until now.

I leaned my arms on the table and focused once more on the intriguing group that had just walked in. ‘’The news is that they are army brats moving around with their parents.”

“Well, I'm glad they are here, we need some new eye candy around in this town. Z laughed before adding, I am so excited, this summer is going to be unforgettable.

After a long last day of school, I was home. I was looking forward to this weekend and my birthday. Mom was in the kitchen when I walked in the house.

“Hey honey, how was the last day of school?”