Page 1 of The Edge


I’m on the edge again, looking over the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Trees as tall as the eye could see. A waterfall cascaded downward into the land below offering life to all of God’s creation. Birds of every color flew above the trees. Wildlife of all sizes ran and played in the majestic world down below. It so magical. The shimmering rays of sun danced to the harmonious music of the world. I took a deep breath of fresh air and sat under a willow tree to soak up the warmth and experience the enchantment of the world that surrounded me. This world was calm... peaceful. My place in it felt right despite it just being a dream.

While reveling in this fantasy world, something I had never felt before startled me awake. I looked around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Trying to convince myself I had imagined it; I closed my eyes once more. There it was again! A strong force that felt as if it had pulled on my soul. This time I sat up. When I looked around again, something in the distance caught my eye. My arms prickled with the sense that it was rapidly closing in on me! ‘’What in the world is that? There’s no way a bird is that big!’’ I thought. The pull grew stronger as the obscure creature came closer. I stood up and walked to the edge for a closer look. The Blob-like, blurry edges morphed into focus, revealing a jet-black dragon with the most striking purples I’d ever seen. The dragon hovered above the cliff staring right at me. I wasn't scared, which was odd considering I was staring at a dragon. The sense of connection I felt to it was overwhelming. I needed to touch it! I drew closer to the edge and reached out toward it but then…. I fell! Screaming all the way down, I landed with a thump!

“Aykiz, what are you doing on the floor? You’re going to be late for school.”My mom stood over me, a confused look covering her face as I laid sprawled out on my bedroom floor.

I blinked a few times taking in the beauty my mom was. Long, thick black hair and almond shaped eyes as green as the forest. She had the perfect copper brown skin tone. Reminding me of an Amazon woman. Kesha Sparrow was indeed a force to be reckoned with. She was fit and looked like she could kick your booty. I don’t take after her much, except maybe my attitude. She said I looked like my father, whom I never met, so I can't tell you if I did or not, Whenever I asked about him my mom would say in due time.

“Sorry, Mom I didn’t hear my alarm,” I said, jumping up and running to the bathroom to get ready, splashing water on my face, I stared at myself in the mirror eyeing my reflection while I brushed my white hair… Yes! white hair. It made me stand out in a crowd. Don't get me wrong I loved my hair but sometimes it stuck out like a sore thumb. My almond shaped eyes were a smoky gray color, that complimented my odd tresses and on my 5’3 frame with copper tone skin... I was beautiful in a unique way that was all my own. People always stared at me and whispered about my looks. They thought I was a witch. I thought about pretending I was one just to see what they would do. The looks on their faces would be priceless.

Getting ready for school and reaching for my purple backpack made me think of the deep purple eyes of the dragon. I couldn’t explain what I’d felt, only that I wanted to get closer to it... That couldn’t be normal. And yet I felt ecstatic and curious. One would think seeing a giant dragon stare you down would make you want to run, yet there I was wanting to touch it. I told myself it was just a dream, but it felt so real. Thinking of falling off the cliff freaked me out.

“Aykiz are you ok? You look a little pale?” Mom said.

I was putting on my blue jeans and black sweater and, slipped on my chucks. “Yea Mom, I'm fine. It’s just these dreams have been keeping me awake and freaking me out a little.”

With a puzzled look my mom asked, “Dreams, Aykiz? what kind of dreams?’’

Stopping to look at her, I noticed a pale tone beneath her copper tone. “Mom, I've been having dreams of dragons and this magical world. I took a deep breath then let it out slowly. It’s so beautiful and calming there; I wish it was real.

Not noticing the frown on my mom’s face, I looked at the clock thinking I had time to grab some breakfast. “Mom, I better hurry,” I said giving her a hug. Without another thought I rushed down the stairs, grabbed a bagel and filling up a mug of coffee. I yelled goodbye to my mom as I grabbed my keys and heading out the door.

I pulled into school less than 10 minutes later, finding a spot in the back lot. The sun glinted off the paint of my purple ‘69 Pontiac firebird. It was the sort of color- that looked blue a night. I loved my car and worked hard all summer mowing lawns and walking dogs just so I would have enough money to buy it. All the hard work was worth it, every time I started it up and heard it purr. Gave me was such a feeling of pure happiness. That purr reminded me of the dragon in my dream. I would love to escape from this world into my dream world. Living in that world would be so much better than living here in this boring Wyoming town doing geometry.

I got out and started running to class. I would normally have a spot up front and was on time, but I blame it on these dreams they keep sucking me in. I was almost there when I smacked in the wall… or at least thought it was a wall till I looked up and saw the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes I’ve ever seen. The guy grabbed me before I went flying backwards. “Shit are you okay?” he asked. “I didn’t see you there.”

“It’s my fault!” I said breathlessly. I was running and wasn’t watching where I was going.”

Smiling, He said something, but I was lost in his artic-blue eyes I hadn’t heard it.

“I’m sorry what did you say?”

“I’m Ezra!” he said as he filled the awkward silence.

Shaking his hand, I introduced myself, “I’m Aykiz!”

“Aykiz huh that’s mesmerizing.”

“Your eyes are mesmerizing,” I said without thinking. Oh, snap I just said that out loud, I have no filter sometimes. Aleko did not seem to mind though. He smiled and laughed.

“Thank you, Aykiz. I think that is a first for me.”

‘’Well, I better get going, I'm going to be late for class,” I said with a tremble in my voice.

It was nice to run into you Aykiz,” he said without making the obvious pun noticeable.” Have a good day.”

Watching him walk away was drool worthy and worth being late. He was tall and muscular with black hair and artic-blue eyes. His blue jeans, black boots and a black shirt accentuated all his muscles. He turned around and, oh shit, he caught me staring. Ezra winked at me and waved goodbye. I stood there like an idiot and waved back.

This was the last week of school, and I was looking forward to it to end. Monday seemed so far away from the weekend, my birthday is Sat, turning 18. The freedom to do more on my own was right around the corner. I plan on taking this summer to soak up the sun and enjoy every minute of it before college. I planned on sticking close to home for college. I wanted to become a vet! There was a great community college program here. I like animals and they seem to like me. It's a win, win.

This week is Finals, floating from class to class today in a haze of day dreaming. I couldn’t get the feeling I had when my eyes connected to the dragons. I used to have dreams of me standing on the Edge almost nightly. Never a dragon appeared until lately. Weird right? I looked forward to going to bed and stepping into my fantasy world, and now looking for a dragon. I hope I will dream tonight, and tonight’s dreams will bring my dragon back.

I was getting ready to leave school when I finally saw him again. Ezra was standing by my car, well leaning against a black lifted jeep. There were a couple good looking guys standing with him. I had just made it to my car when he noticed me.

“Hey Aykiz, have you run into anyone lately?”

I let out a laugh ‘Hey, Ezra! No, I haven't, you have been my only victim”.