Page 47 of The Edge

‘’Who is this, Zedkeil? Asked Elijah.

Zedkeil is Aykiz's best friend from the other world. He was human.”

‘’What do you mean, was human? Demanded Elijah?

‘’He was bitten by a wolf that attacked us. He was changing and was sent to a pack that would help him with his transition.”

‘’What pack? I can have him brought here.”

Zedkiel is in the Noble legion pack. Stated Drayce.While he looked at the Alpha for any discouragement. I hope they get a long and we are not in the middle of a feud.

‘’Alpha Henley is an honest man, he will teach Zadkiel what he needs to know about being a wolf, agreed Elijah. ‘’When he is ready, he is welcome here.”

’Thank you, Alpha! I appreciate your help. Is there a place we can clean up?”

Yes! There is a hot spring just down the way. I'll have someone show you the way’’. Elijah walked out of the room and came back in with a young man, about 12 years old. ‘’This is Alarik, he will show you to the springs.”

‘’Hello Alarik, my name is Aykiz. Shaking his hand, “thank you for showing us the springs.” You're welcome, lady Aykiz. Please follow me.

‘’When you are done washing up, meet me back here, said Elijah.”

We will see you soon, agreed Drayce. We followed Alarik down the path through the trees, people were walking around with curious glances, a few nods our way. This place looked like it was once a paradise. When We finish this mission, I would like to come back here to see how this place looks healed. Looking over at Drayce.”

‘’We should Aykiz, I'm sure it is flourishing,”


Reaching the springs, there was steam floating off the water flowing over the rocks and down the river. The smell of rotten eggs penetrated my nose, ugh the smell is nasty.”

‘’Yes Lady, it is the sulfur you are smelling, some say it heals wounds. It would be good for you to soak in’’. gesturing towards my wounds.”

‘’That sounds good, but the smell on the other hand does not. Laughing.

‘’ We will have your clothes mended and washed if you lay them there on the rocks, and clean clothes will be brought to you soon.”

‘’Thank you, Alarik,’’. Bowing, Alarik ran off.

Alright Ladies, we will turn around while you undress. We will keep guard while you get in. ‘’Right undressing, this should be interesting.”

Taking a seat against a rock, bending over taking my boots off, I pull with a tug and fall on my ass. Ugh ouch!”

Kalypso laughed at me, ‘’are you alright Aykiz?”

“Yeah, I'm good, these boots are hard to get off. One down and one more to go.

Once we were undressed, we walked towards the water, walking in chest deep with a sigh of bliss. The water was perfect. The heat of the water soaking into your bones, easing the aches.

‘’All clear guys, we will turn around while you guys get in. ‘’My lady, I don't think we should all be in the water, we will be vulnerable, 'stated Finan.

I think we are safe Finan, we are surrounded by wolves, come in and relax for a few. ‘’I believe we are safe’’.

The guys joined us; you could hear their sighs of relief. We all were in our own world soaking up the heat into our bodies, this was just what we needed after all we've been through. Going under the water, I came back up and saw our clothes were gone, replaced by new ones. Towels hung on the branches closest to the water's Edge.

Looking around the springs, there was movement through the trees. “Finan, we have company, it could be that the wolves who are watching over us.

Finan came by me, looking in the direction of the wolves. ‘’Elijah could have sent guards, just in case Right?” I asked Finan in a hopeful voice. I really don’t want to fight right now the water feels too good.

‘’Possible but I'm not taking any chances, Ezra stay with Aykiz and Kalypso. ‘’Drayce and I will get out first, keep your eyes lined with the trees.”