Page 13 of The Edge

blood of royal blood binds thee magic blood deeply with me.”

Lighting struck and the ground shook, the spell was complete. Winds blew, lighting strikes and thunder so loud it shook the ground. The world was angry for the life that was taken. Dragons roared, shooting fire at Morona. The barrier was still up, making the efforts of the dragons become useless. Thalia was on her own. The Mage was gone, nowhere in sight, he ran like a coward.

‘’If I see him this time, I will make him pay for his part in Narcissa's death.

Morana yelled, “Thaila you are mine now to command. You will obey me now dragon queen.”

“I will never obey you Morana, you will have to kill me,” Roared Thaila.

That it could be arranged, she shot her arm out and came a ball of ice at Thaila.

Thalia returned fire of her own, shooting a ball of fire towards Morana only for it to sizzle out into smoke. Morana laughed and danced; “you see dragon you cannot hurt me, but I can hurt you. When I killed your precious Narcissa I had Kane here conjure up a spell that would protect me against all harm coming from a dragon. Either you do as I say, or you die. Which is it Thaila? Death or life?”

“I will never serve you Morana. I Thaila queen of Dragons, challenge you Morana goddess of winter to fight to the death.”

Tears rolling down the dragon's eyes came a roar from Thaila you will pay for Nari death.”

Thaila high up in the air blowing fireballs at Morana. The fireballs seemed to be hitting the mark but would sizzle and become smoke. Morana seemed to be playing with Thaila dancing around throwing ice shards up at the dragon. Taunting Thaila, Soon Morana grew tired of the games, she aimed an ice shard right at Thaila’s heart. Time stood still as the ice shard made its mark. Hitting Thaila right in the heart, Down went Thaila to the ground that started to turn black with her blood. Thaila looked at Morana with a smile, using her last breath.

“I curse you, Morana, Goddess of winter, a child will be born of royal blood that will sever this spell and will become the protector and ruler of Dragons.This child will take revenge for all the death and destruction you will cause. Your death will be at the hands of this warrior. This I swear to you and all Gods, she will have a protector and a mate to rule beside her, she will take you out of this world. This I swear to you. My kin will not obey you.”

Thaila took her last breath, gone was the beautiful pearl Dragon queen, she had eyes of shiny crystal, now faded. That's when the world died. From the top of the trees to the grass all turned black of death. The blue sky turned gray with ash of tears floating down. All the creations of Fae mourned the death of our Dragon queen and Narcissa the princess of summer court.

Alistar brought us back to the valley of dragons in the present time, tears rushing from my eyes. I ran to Alistar, hugging him. “I promise Alistar I will do whatever I can to fix this, to bring the earth back to life and to protect you and all dragons.”

“I'm sure you will, my child. you must wake up now and start your journey for it will be a long one, have faith and listen to your heart, little one. Always be on guard. You will rise and become the warrior queen we've been waiting for. I will visit you again soon.

“Hey, wait Alistar, ‘’what did Thaila mean I’ll have a mate?”

“Alistar flew away with a booming laugh, and you will see soon.”


‘’How long are you guys going to stand around my bed like a bunch of creepers?’’ Everyone turned to look at me with smiles and bewildered looks.

“About time you woke up my dear sister, said Drayce.

My father and I guess the lady with white hair is my real mother. ‘

“Aww! your awake, how do you feel?” Thinking about it, I realized I felt strong and ready for this journey to begin. After seeing what happened in the past, I was ready kick Morana ass. I wanted to become the warrior everyone was waiting for. Looking at all the faces in this room I knew I couldn't let them down.

“I feel good strangely enough”. Kesha looked at me with a knowing smile.

“You look amazing Aykiz.” I look over and see Ezra smiling at me. My father clears his throat knowing something is going on between Ezra and me.

“I would like to introduce your real mother, Aykiz this is Levana Goddess of Spirits, also the queen.”

Looking over at the Queen, she was dressed in a lavish golden dress that showed off her figure and beautiful bronze skin. I looked over to the lady that is my birth mother and smiled. The queen spoke then,

“I'm sure you are famished after the transformation. I know I was after I had my transformation.”

Right! The transformation, how could I forget that pain, then it disappeared when I was with Alistar. “Aykiz, you have become immortal, also your magic will start to appear, that is the pain you felt. You haven’t been asleep long, just a few days.” Replied my mother.

“A few days, seriously?” I sat up in bed shocked that I was asleep that long. I didn’t feel like I slept for days. I moved around stretching.

’How are you feeling my dear?” My father asked. My father must have noticed my confusion.

“I feel like my life was turned upside down and spit me out here in this fantasy world.” It's all over whelming and I feel strong, not like I would feel after sleeping for days.”