Page 12 of The Edge

Alistar took a deep breath and blew smoke right at me, holy shit I’m going to burn up I started to stand when the smoke came over me. I opened my eyes to see Alistar and about a thousand different dragons soaring above me. I glanced at where Alistar was before he blew smoke at me to see he was still there looking at himself and all the dragons flying around us. Before I could say anything, he told me this is just a memory and the beginning. He looks so sad.

“Aykiz this world is called Hidden valley, home to Dragons, only now it resembles Death Valley, Look Aykiz at how free we were, how beautiful this land was. “Dragons were able to mate, and their babies would grow up to be strong warriors to protect our queen and aid her soldiers in combat. The land provided us food, shelter and would heal us.

Looking over the majestic world he's describing, I see all different colored dragons from blue to black to multi-colored ones. Giant ones the size of a jet, to babies that were the size of a tank. There was a baby black dragon and a blue dragon playing in the waterfall blowing smoke with a spit of fire at each other. Laughing watching them play like kids. Alistar looked over at me and spoke.

``This is what it looks like now.” Alistar voice was heavy with sadness.

Gone were the baby dragons in the waterfall, thousands of dragons to a few hundred. The land was dark and less fruitful, there was no joy here, only darkness and despair.

“Alistar what happened? Why is the land like this?”

“It's dying, Aykiz, the land mourns for the loss of their dragon Queen. Morana cursed us, we refused to obey her. So, she cursed us to this land to die. We won't survive much longer. Looking at Alistar he didn't look as strong, and his color was off. Seeing him like this and the land had me so sick to my stomach.

“What can I do Alistar? How can I fix this? I'm only a girl.”

Alistar looked over at me and said, ‘’You are not just a girl, Aykiz you are our next dragon, Queen.”

’What? How can that be? I'm not a dragon.”

“No, Aykiz you are not a dragon, but you have a part of the soul of a dragon inside of you.”

“Wait, hold the door Alistar, how am I having the soul of a dragon in me?” “

“How is that possible?” Getting up and walking around throwing my hands up.

“Aykiz let me tell you the story. Sit down and take a breath.

“Fine, but this is crazy!

“Our dragon queen Thalia was a warrior and beloved by many. She ruled this land and loved all dragons and the royal humans. Queen Thalia was soul tied to the princess Narcissa. Narcissa was going to be queen of her realm and married to a powerful King. They would be a very powerful couple. Narcissa was loved by all dragons and humans alike. She was such a loving and gentle soul. That also put a target on her back by Marona, goddess of winter. “

“The same Morona that is after me?”

‘’Yes, Aykiz the one in the same, Morona became jealous of Narcissa for the bond she had with the queen of Dragons, she wanted that power.

‘’What power? Their friendship? I don't understand Alistar.”

Nodding like he expected, he said, ‘’Princess Narcissa saved the dragon queen from being killed, by putting herself in front of the demon that was about to kill the queen dragon. The demon stopped the blade inches away from Narcissa's heart, seeing that the demon couldn’t kill her, or all demons would be put to death by Narcissa’s betrothed ‘’the shadow king. The demons feared the Shadow King. He has the power to eliminate them, he only lets them live to guard his borders.

The queen Dragon bestowed powers into Narcissa, powers that gave her the ability to speak and understand the dragons and enter Hidden valley. Only Narcissa was given this privilege and honor. The dragons protected her and her royal family after that.

Morana heard the story many times across the realm, she became jealous of Nari and wanted her power. Morana started planning and scheming to get Narcissa power, she became obsessed of Narcissa's bond with the dragons. She saw the strength the dragons gave to the summer Fae and wanted it to be her own. Morana knew when Narcisa would meet the queen and planned to kill Narcissa and take her power. I'll show you. Alistar blew smoke at me once again.

Then I was watching Narcissa walking to meet the queen in the valley below. She was unaware that Morona was there plotting against her. She was so beautiful with her long golden hair and pale skin. She looked like an angel walking in the field of flowers. As Narcissa was walking the wildflowers were blooming. She was a summer fae and could make things grow with a touch or thought.

Morona was there waiting for her along with a mage. Cloaked with invisibility, By the look on Narcissa's face she knew something was wrong as soon as she entered the valley, before she could react, she had a blanket of slime covering her causing her to freeze in place, looking around she saw a green smoke oozing round the valley closing her in. she tried not to panic but seeing Morona and the mage she knew she wouldn't be able to make it out of there alive. She felt the rage and death pouring off Morana.

Narcissa stood strong and unbending. She didn't seem scared, only determined. Narcissa reached out to Thalia telling her to stay away and not to come to the valley that was too dangerous. I could hear Narcissa talking but no one else could. Seeing my confusion, Alistar explained that they could speak telepathically. Narcissa asked what Morana wanted but she already knew. Narcissa heard rumors of how evil Morana was and that she was after Narcissa. Morana laughed so evil it gave you chills.

She walked towards Narcissa with ice flowing out of her hands and said, ‘’My dear Narcissa I only want your soul and well the power that the dragons gave you. That power should be mine, not a naive little girl that knows nothing of that kind of power.” Laughing, she sent a ball of ice towards Narcissa, freezing her inside the goo.

Morana reached out and creased Narcissa's cheek, Narcissa stood strong, she told Morona the power from the dragon queen couldn’t be taken from her, that it didn't work that way, but Morana didn't listen or care. Thaila's voice came out strong and concerned, “Nari what’s happening? Why are you still there?” Thaila could sense Nari's fear, intensifying the speed Thalia had, forcing her to move faster to try to save Narcissa. Nari begged her to stay away, explaining that Morana was there to kill her and take the power that Thaila gave her. Thalia was closing in fast. You could see her in the distance gaining on the valley, but it was too late, with an evil crackle Morana reached inside Narcissa's chest and ripped out her heart. I gasped, tears rolling down my face. I wanted to rescue Narcissa myself, but I knew this already happened and there was nothing I could do.

Thalia roared causing the ground shake with the force of the power rolling from the dragon queen. Morona was stunned for a fraction of a min, then a smile was on her face, yelling at the mage to hurry and finish the spell. The mage started whispering, holding the heart of Narcissa as he spoke, smoke was oozing from his fingertips to Morana wrapping around her and into her heart. Morana lit up like a beacon of death and black smoke, her eyes turning a solid black before turning all white. Thaila must've called the dragon warriors because the valley was surrounded. The mage completed the spell turning to Morana.

‘’Goddess it is done now you only have to speak these words and they will be at your command, handing over Narcissa heart to Morana. Morana started speaking as the dragons were blowing fire and dropping rocks from their feet trying to break the barrier that the mage put up.

“Wound and bound, wound and bound,