Page 22 of Shifter Salvation

As if my order triggered the deed, I was suddenly groaning and fighting to open my eyes while my body felt far too hot, as if I was dealing with a fever in the midst of summer.

“Selene.” Asher’s worried voice only further encouraged me to try to fully wake up, but there was that uncontrollable sensation that hummed through me — a nagging call to condemn the one who dared to awaken my slumber.

I heard Asher curse and he moved his arms around me, which only encouraged my levitation as my body began to float into the air — rotating until I now floated at the same height as our Dusk enemy.

My eyes were open and they burned with power, like the rest of my body that itched for an outlet. Words of chanting began to leave my lips as those incantations that had kindled from the ring placed on my finger reappeared along my flesh and spread down my body.

Black flames burst out of my body and began to dance across my flesh. My attire disappeared, fading away and being replaced by transparent yards of silk that twinkled with various stars.

Only my bra and underwear remained while my long, blue strands lit up with hues of white and orange.

Now my entire body from head to toe was covered in incantations of tiny writing — scriptures I couldn’t decipher but knew connected to something deeper and hidden from the world.

My awakening encouraged me to outstretch my left arm, my fingers spreading out as if ready to summon a fireball, but what I didn’t expect was to see the formation of the magic artifact that everyone seemed to be looking for.

The ancient book!

It opened and the blank pages began to flip wildly until ink formed on the surface of the creamy parchment paper. It stopped right in the middle just as Misty suddenly began running towards where I hovered.

She stopped directly beneath me and purred loudly, which triggered a massive magic circle beneath us that spread and created a dome around herself, our bikes, and Asher.

I felt Phyx’s energy suddenly flowing through me as if I’d involuntarily summoned his flames around me until they began to flow into the book like a river stream. Suddenly, I realized what I was involuntarily about to do.

This can’t be the same ritual as before, can it?


The declaration followed with a whooshing force of wind as the armored Dusk attempted to attack me head-on, but its blade collided with spewing flames of purple and orange — the protective essence coming from the ground below just before the protective dome Misty created.

I felt like a battery fueling utter chaos, the flames growing, spinning, forming something so grand that I felt speechless when the being before us stood like a summoned giant.

“Who dares to challenge me?”the feminine voice declared venomously as the rest of her body continued to be submerged with purple and orange flames.

She carried purple horns that grew and solidified into dark purple rock that oozed with bits of lava. The rest of her body began to follow until it appeared that I’d created a goddess of lava and stone.

The armored Dusk moved back as it hovered higher to make the distance between it and the giant flaming stone goddess, but it didn’t seem like it was going to back down as it pointed towards us.

“My master has ordered that woman’s execution. It’s my right to eliminate her! This world does not need change. This world only needs to SUFFER!” I realized the voice held a hint of femineity to it, and I made a safe assumption that the Dusk fighting us was a female.

Is she the Dusk Queen everyone speaks of? She can’t be…right?

The goddess remained silent as her head slowly looked over her shoulder to catch sight of me.

Her eyes were filled with flowing lava; their mesmerizing sight almost pulled me out of whatever trance I was in.

Hands landed on my shoulders, and I felt the presence of a man behind me. The warmth of their flames was familiar enough for me to clue in to the presence of Pyrrhus.

“Selene Everly Bleu. She is the one who summoned your aid,” Phyx announced with a trembling voice.

Was this goddess so frightening to face? She was as tall as the tunnel and probably could get taller and cave everything in, but her intentions flowed through me.

As though she genuinely wished to assess the situation.

"With my flames, we summoned your presence of power in hopes of protection in a time of peril facing an enemy we’ve yet to provoke.”

The goddess looked intrigued by his words before she looked back to the Dusk woman.

“Leave.”The single word made the ground tremble below and the winds outside pick up in strength.