Page 21 of Shifter Salvation

“Do you think something triggered this weird state?”I asked.

“Your body has to be reacting to something,” Phyx suggested, but sounded just as concerned as I was.

“We need to leave this state or else it risks our plan,”Eira noted.

“Woof?”Juniper seemed intrigued by something, tugging our attention as our view was now on the hovering enemy preparing to attack us.

“Ruby, Sapphire, protection levels to the max.”

I just realized Asher had to be the one holding me now because his voice was right next to my ear.

“Protection at full throttle,”Ruby and Sapphire said in unison.“Stand by.”

Poor Asher was a sitting duck just like I. What were we supposed to do at this point? I couldn’t send Phyx out with me chilling in my subconscious, and even if Juniper went out, she had to be ready to take my place for us to teleport to Nyx’s place.

Time was ticking —I knew that —but what could get us out of this situation?

Mother Moon, please. Make a way of escape!


I blinked, as did my other three entities, as the meowing sound seemed to grasp the attention of all parties.


I was flabbergasted to see the kitten in question as she sat in the center of the road just before the entrance of the tunnel. Our floating enemy peered down at the kitten as if it was some sort of joke — its eyes of red narrowing to ensure they were seeing what we were.

“Meow!” Misty sat down on all fours and did the unexpected.

She began to…groom herself.

I literally couldn’t fathom words at the sight of the move that would have been funny as fuck if we weren’t in a life-or-death situation.

“You got to be kidding me,” Asher muttered to himself.

“Target locked,” our enemy declared as they lifted their swords and slapped them together to create one weapon like before. “Eliminate the cure.”

Cure. Cure. They keep saying that. Is it because I can bring my pack back or aid the souls of the dead to paradise as a celestial?

That would be another backburner topic. A sizzling spark in the air confirmed the next move this thing was going to launch would be far more destructive than before.

“The kitten is up to something,”Eira announced.

“Aside from grooming herself?”Phyx commented sarcastically.

“Woof!”Juniper seemed happy at Misty’s bold expression of “I don’t give a fuck if we’re about to die.”

“What is she possibly waiting for?”I asked.

"For the creature to attack,” Eira revealed just as our enemy raised their arms and prepared to slash forward.

“ELIMINATE!” it screeched with determination as it moved in a swift execution that once again ignited a blinding force that headed right for us.

Before the attack hit us, it crashed into a wall of flames that shot up before Misty, who was still grooming herself like she had nothing better to do

I realized my body felt extremely hot now, to the point that I urged myself to return to being in the control seat.

C’mon body! Accept my ass back!