“Priorities did change…” I just loved how he understood my outspoken thought process. “I’ve never loved someone the way I love Asher, Father. It's even more vibrant and raw because I can feel just how important I am to him. He loved driving me mad. In fact, he still loves doing that, but when you can actually feel how unmeasurable one’s love for you is. That every dangerous act or situation you fall into makes him a nervous mess on the inside and yet he has to act cool, calm, and unaffected on the outside. It makes me realize that won’t stop until I get stronger.”
“But you are strong, Selene,” he pointed out, and I agreed with him.
“I know, Father, but what I lack is the confidence to accept that I’m strong. There’s one thing about knowing you have the capability to fight against an enemy, but if you can’t apply your strength in the actual battle with the enemy, guess what? You’ll lose. Guardian trained me well, but I was pulled into Shifter Syndicate five years early. I’d always taken my training seriously with Guardian, but at the same time, he wasn’t too harsh on me because he knew he’d always be there to protect me. Now, things have shifted, and well, I’m the target for a lot of people who wish for nothing but my elimination. We couldn’t even make it to the portal to East Syndicate and execute our plan without being attacked by Dusks and getting ambushed by some female knight who said I’m the cure and her Master ordered my execution.”
He didn’t seem pleased with the news at all, but he allowed me to continue without interruption.
“I wanted to come here first because I want to know exactly what’s a stake. What am I losing if I fail or give up? I’m obviously not the type to simply stop fighting because things are hard…but honestly, I think I can admit that this is a lot to chew,” I finally confessed. “I’m overwhelmed in a lot of areas. I have to deal with unexpected confrontations from those who know I don’t stand a chance against them in battle and yet are taking every advantage to fuck me over. Pyrrhus and Juniper are actually a god and a goddess. And oh, we just found out Pyrrhus is actually married!”
I was running my hands through my hair yet again, while my eyes peered upward to the sky.
“I just received my wolf and yet I haven’t really gotten to enjoy the experience of having Eira in my life. And now I’m engaged to my Alpha, who will go the distance to see me achieve what I’m destined to do, and yet I almost killed him moments before he proposed because I remembered my confrontation with Zed and was pissed that he knew who killed you and didn’t do anything. It’s unexpected surprises like that which make me worry about what’s next. What’s going to pop up next to try to kill, ruin, or destroy this new life I’m desperately trying to maintain? Do I need to become a council member in order for everyone to back the fuck off? Even if it’s inevitable for me to take a chair on the Council, half the members don’t care or even want me there and will simply keep voting against various bills and requests that are presented to benefit the majority of shifters, which is actually stupid as fuck because if you’re not on the council to help your own paranormal race, what’s the point? Are they all simply there for the rank, power, and assets the position delivers? And how does someone like me change that?”
Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply and let it out.
“When I strip away my magic, wolves, and all the things that make me special, all that’s left is a woman who simply want to take a moment to enjoy life. A woman who wants to hold the hands of her lover and explore this new world in peace. To get to learn more about him. To enjoy a simple dinner or hike, or just to cuddle and talk through the wee hours of the night about utter nonsense. I just crave a moment of normalcy, Father, for I know the moment I return, it's going to be one thing after the next, and I’m just so tired of fighting, of running away…of giving myself excuses like ‘this is how my life has to be.’ Why should it be? Why can’t I be selfish and have some time to myself with those I love? Why can’t I have a chance to talk to Mommy…and tell her I don’t blame her for what happened? To reunite with my brothers and just have a fun moment together, even if it's just running through the fields or playing Hide and Seek. I want to see Guardian and tell him everything that happened when I thought he was dead. There’s so much that I want to experience before I’m forced back into my role as Selene Everly Bleu, the new pup of North Syndicate that everyone’s talking about.”
I was crying again, but I didn’t bother wiping away my tears.
“I want to marry Asher…but honestly…I don’t think the world outside deserves to witness it. Of course, I want my best friends to be here, even though it's obviously impossible, but all I can think is what will our enemies do to destroy that for me? To taint the happiest day of my life so I’m always taunted by someone or something interfering with my life. I’ve accepted that my life can’t go back to where I was simply working at the restaurant at night and training with Guardian through the day, and frankly, I don’t want to go back to that. I love who’s in my life…because they’re real and genuinely want to see me succeed, but how do I get the best of both worlds?”
I felt Father’s thumbs brush my cheeks, and I opened my eyes to see him standing before me.
“I want a place where no one can steal my joy, Father. A home that brings immense peace the moment I enter it. To be able to protect my friends and family, and to build on myself so that the littlest things don’t feel like they’re weighing me down. I want to be in a place that accepts me for who I am and just loves me. Not because of my position, title, rank, or the vast abilities I have,” I voiced. “I just want to be me, and to allow Phyx, Juniper, and Eira to experience similar moments of tranquility.”
“You can have that and more, Mini Shadow,” he assured me and hugged me. “You can have it all, and I’m more than happy to help you achieve that.”
“Even though I failed you?”
“How did you fail me, Selene?”
“The man who landed you here walks free in the shifter world,” I acknowledged, “continuing to promote villainous actions while betraying everyone who dares to believe he’s on their team. The moment I remembered…I should have killed him. Wiped his existence so he’d know how it feels but instead of peace, he’d burn in the pits of hell. I feel like a failure for not killing him. If only I’d killed him when he and his goons confronted me long before Guardian arrived. I don’t know…” I sighed. “I feel like a coward for running away instead of confronting that man and ensuring he didn’t get to see the light of day again. I want to ensure he experiences how it feels to have your head sliced off your body. He’d suffer the weight of pain and agony he encouraged upon our kind for his own selfish craving to rule anything that moves.”
“And you’ll get your opportunity to do exactly that,” Father reminded me before cupping my cheeks. “But you did not fail me. I allowed my death to transpire. I knew if I didn’t perish, someone more vitally important would die by his blade.”
“Who?” I dared to ask. “Mother?”
“No,” he answered. “You.”
“Oh….” I hadn’t taken that into consideration, but clearly, it was added information he sought for me to understand.
“No matter what Zed’s intentions were, he betrayed me, his pack, and all Shadowborns by aligning with the Morten Council of Supernaturals' hidden plot to get rid of our race. Your desire to punish him in a way that will ensure no one else carries the boldness to fight against our race again is encouraged in my book,” he approved. “I want you and Asher to remain here for a bit.”
“Doesn’t time move the same way as Faerie?” I asked. “Like things may feel slow here with the days, but a day here is a good week in the human and shifter realms?”
“Yes,” he revealed. “I want you to spend seven days in the Shadow Realm. Just seven. I know that will feel like close to two months in the realm above, but I think it’s the perfect opportunity.”
“Perfect opportunity?”
“Your absence with Asher will get people talking, wondering where you two went off to. A secret getaway? To get married? To start a Syndicate of your own? Or maybe you perished? The more time that ticks away, the more questions will be asked, and that set of inquiries will spread like wild gossip,” he deciphered. “The moment the idea of you and Asher being dead spreads, it means whoever is attacking Betas or targeting you may lose interest or move on to the final target.”
“Mercury,” I whispered. “Azu said if they attacked his wife, he’d start a war.”
“That’s what Zed and other power-hungry shifters seek, Selene,” he emphasized. “They want a shifter war, a battle until one shifter race is the winner and deemed the leader of us all. Then they’ll move on to the human realms, and nothing will stop them from going beyond and discovering new universal planes to overthrow. It’ll be the beginning of the end, and we can’t allow that.”
He let go of my cheeks and dropped his hands on my shoulders to squeeze them gently.
“My Princess has earned the opportunity to take time off for yourself. Not for your friends or family, but for you to enjoy the moment with the love of your life next to you,” he commented. “Phyx, Juniper, and Eira will be fine, and your body is in an intense meditative state so you won’t need to do common survival activities like eating, drinking water, or eliminating waste in various forms.”