Page 34 of Shifter Salvation

“Dad, we’re engaged. Not married,” I teased and enjoyed the sound of his chuckle as he grinned back at me.

“I know, but when Shadowborns propose to one another, they normally get married the right way in the Shadow Realms,” he revealed, which intrigued me.

“Wait, really?”

“Mhmm. It's a tradition from when there were far more Celestials that existed throughout the world,” he admitted as he continued to lead the way. “Shadowborns focus on traditions and marriage is a big deal, for the union of two Shadowborns not only means expanding our unique kind, it also ignites various changes within the Shadow Realm.”

“Right,” I began as I remembered what Nyx had stated regarding the spontaneous connection that ignites between two Shadowborns during sexual intercourse. “So…that basically means Shadowborns can only get ‘freaky in the sheets’ in the shadow realm?” I questioned, which didn’t feel as awkward as I expected it to be.

Father’s demeanor made it rather easy to talk to him.

I guessed with him missing a big chunk of my life, being open about my relationship probably enlightened him tremendously.

“The first time you get freaky with another Shadowborn, it's advised you do it in the Shadow Realm,” Father revealed. “Obviously, not every Shadowborn couple gets the privilege to do so for a number of reasons, but if possible, it's a more unique experience and doesn’t risk the usual dangers that ignite when two Shadowborns are intimate.”

“So…we avoid being destructive lovers like the Seelie and Unseelie?” I concluded.

“Yes.” Father beamed at the mention of the Fae. “Shadowborns have very similar obstacles as the Fae. In fact, the Fae wanted to help us succeed in building our world, but they the purge happened,” he admitted and lifted his arms up to display the vast land around us.

“Did they pull out after the culling of our kind?” I was curious to know what happened because it was clear we wouldn’t be able to find this information in the Grand Library. “Well…I mean, I’m not really sure you’d even know that.”

“I’m aware of what occurs in the land of the living,” he assured me as we kept walking. “Yes. They did. In fact, the son of East Syndicate was the one who invited many Shadowborns into the heart of Faerie when it first occurred.”

“Wait. You mean Azu?” I pondered and paused in my strides which encouraged him to do the same. “But…isn’t he a similar age to Asher? Actually…maybe not since he is Fae and a royal.”

“They are of similar ages,” he assured me. “Yes, I mean King Azuyaru. He was just a teen when it occurred, and he didn’t hesitate to do what no other shifter race was willing to achieve. He saved many Shadowborns. Once he knew they would no longer be hunted without heavy consequences, he gave them the choice to either remain in Faerie or return to the shifter society to make a new life.”

“Did many leave?” I wondered if they would even feel safe to return after something so traumatizing. I’d forgotten so much of what truly occurred that night, and even with the glimpses of it matched with Father’s death, it took a long time before I was able to boldly walk through the streets without feeling as though I was on borrowed time.

“Many did venture back, but only because King Azuyaru offered employment opportunities in places that ensured warded housing and employment were guaranteed.”

“No way,” I gasped. “He managed to do all of that?” I was simply baffled. “And everyone was like ‘Cool. Sure. Let’s show a bit of humanitarian kindness and offer a place of Salvation in our residences and places of employment?’”

Father seemed amused by my exaggerations before tugging me along so I’d get moving with him once more.

“Many don’t realize this, but the Fae run at least sixty percent of human and shifter establishments both in the human realms and across Shifter and Tainted Syndicate.”

“Sixty percent?!” I had to pause and remove my hand from his grasp to try to figure out how much that could possibly be with the shifter population and human population. I used my fingers to try to keep track, but goddess knew, I sucked at math.

Father let me attempt to figure it out, but I gave him a pouting look as I confessed, “I suck at math.”

He chuckled again, not in a mocking matter but at my obvious expression that showed nothing but utter defeat. He reached out to stroke my head as he whispered, “I know, Mini Shadow. I was supposed to help you with that dilemma since your brothers simply enjoyed making fun of you.”

“Of course, they did,” I huffed but gave him a sad smile. “I haven’t really gotten to talk to them much. I haven’t even gotten to talk to Mom.”

“Since discovering the truth?” Father inquired, and I avoided his eyes as I nodded my head.

“Zed. He’s pulling so many strings to get rid of Asher and replace him with some Italian mafia douche who wants to force a marriage with one of my best friends just for power. He had the intention of hurting my other best friend, Kenzo. He’s a Fae Shadowborn and really helped me throughout this whole journey so far. I’m on Zero’s and Asta’s good sides, and apparently, because of recent events, Asher and I have no choice but to rise to positions on the High Council, which I’m sure many will disapprove of. Asher’s ex is still a bloody bitch, and Xenon is on her side cause he likes her or whatever, but they give me mixed messages, like they’re attempting to be bad guys because that’s all they know. West Syndicate’s Alpha, Arianne, was friends with me in the human realms, but she pretended I was nobody and I don’t know if she’s a friend or foe. And of course, Samuel of South Syndicate. My ex-mate who summoned me to the Howling Ceremony just so he could reject me. Honestly, I despised him, and maybe I still do, but that emotion has reduced since being mated to Asher. When I think about it, I think he’s simply a lost soul who never understood what he wanted in life and now it’s too late to fix it.”

I honestly was rambling about everything because I felt like he needed to know. He needed to get a glimpse of my life and listen to it from my own mouth in comparison to whenever he retrieved updates about Shifter Syndicate and the rest of the various universal planes.

“We’re supposed to go to East Syndicate after this, and Asher warned me that things will escalate so fast…it’s going to be hard to adapt to. As if the last few weeks haven’t been chaotic.” I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair. “The plan was to train for a few weeks and get stronger, and I’m excited about it because I enjoy the training aspect of being a shifter. Even though I hate waking up so early in the morning. Originally, I wanted us to go there, but then…”

Trailing off, I simply lifted my hand to look at the engagement ring on my finger.

“Your priorities changed,” Father concluded.

I lifted my head to slowly smile as I nodded.