Page 26 of Shifter Salvation

She was close to 7’0”, her hair as white as snow, but my surprise came from her complexion because it was as ebony as Juniper’s, only her flesh had a layer of purple glitter. With eyes of white with purple rings around her iris and dark plum lipstick, she looked absolutely outstanding.

Like this world was simply a pit stop and she belonged somewhere extraterrestrial.

She wore garments of black silk that had transparent sections on the arms and legs past her knees, and her breasts, stomach, and upper legs were covered in black silk. Her overall outfit reminded me of a jumpsuit of sorts, but it looked more ritualistic.

With various purple and onyx rings on her fingers and multiple bangles of different metallic shades on both her wrists, she really did give off an appearance that would be noticed by many.

On purpose.

“Nyx,” Asher stated her name as if she’d said something she shouldn’t have, which had the woman cackling and made me wonder how old she really was when she looked no older than thirty.

“In the protective walls of my sanctuary, there is no need for secrets, Asher,” she practically sang like a hymn before waltzing into the room. “You clearly brought her here because you’ve made the heartfelt decision that she deserves to not only learn about her roots but empower herself with the magic that’s been sealed inside her, isn’t that right?”

There he went on a pouting spree, but I was on the ‘magic sealed inside her’ part.

“My magic is sealed?” I didn’t feel as if it was. Aside from this Celestial aspect, I knew what my capabilities were as a Shadowborn, which included my magic abilities. I couldn’t see a reason behind my magic being further sealed like I’d done something wrong in life that encouraged such consequences.

“If you believe you’ve reached a peak in your tapped power, Darling, then the world has intentionally left you in the dark so you’d never truly experience what the light feels like on your radiant flesh,” Nyx declared as she reached the end of the bed and smiled at our oblivious position. “Shall I come back after you two make love or have I destroyed the mood?”

“W-W-We wasn’t going to do anything!” I argued and elbowed Asher. “Right, Asher?”

“Hmph.” He seemed unbothered, which made Nyx laugh even harder.

“Your Alpha would enjoy any opportunity to have his way with you if it wouldn’t plague the world in darkness for a few days,” she revealed.

I gawked at her words while my eyes were wide with confusion.

“Plagued with darkness? The world?” No way could that be true.

“Do they not teach more about the Shadowborns and your vast range of capabilities that includes what can be done when two Shadowborns connect on a sexual level?” Nyx pondered as she crossed her arms and shook her head. “See? I said YEARS ago when that the Grand Library opened that it should be open publicly so that Shadowborns can learn more of themselves and the Grand Order of Supernaturals, but no. The council voted against it. Hmph.” She really seemed insulted. “Then they have the nerve to request my presence because a certain ancient book is missing and they can’t find one Mageri wolf with her bonded god.”

“You mean Cinder and Theo,” I responded. “They’re still looking for them. What if they try to bring it to the public and make them wanted fugitives?”

“Would be rather foolish of them, really,” Nyx pointed out as if it really wasn’t a big deal. “Think about it. Are you really going to announce that a magic artifact that should have been collecting dust on one of those plentiful shelves in the Grand Library was in the possession of some shifter’s home and retrieved by their daughter, who was involved in an incident that summoned a god that saved a bunch of shifters and council members from death and is now missing with the said artifact?”

When she said it that way, it kinda did make them look bad.

“No. That sounds like they don’t know how to do their job,” I concluded.

“Exactly,” Nyx declared with a shrug. “They played themselves and now get to enjoy rebuilding that entire tunnel that got ‘destroyed’ by a Dusk attack which activated a volcano, which will be a pain in the ass to clean.”

“Serves them right.”

All eyes went to the doorframe to see Goddess Phyrra as she leaned against the doorframe while snacking on some chips. “I forgot how this world has the most delicious snacks. Humans take advantage of the privilege of eating potato chips that aren’t burnt into ash before they arrive in your hands. It’s a shame that they’ve added more air than chips inside. Scamming economy.”

“I agree with you,” Nyx declared as Phyrra walked into the room — and the door closed on its own. When she arrived next to Nyx, she looked at the two of us.

“Aww. Are we interrupting?”

“No,” Asher and I said in unison, my cheeks growing red while Asher sighed and responded with, “Thank you for your aid earlier. I know you have no obligation to aid us.”

“Well, not necessarily,” she admitted and specifically stared at me. “I was summoned by the Celestial next to you. Despite fulfilling my purpose, I actually can’t go back to where I came from.”

“Oh no,” I whispered. “Don’t tell me I accidentally bonded you to this world like Theo.”

“Not necessarily bonded in a way that I have no freedom of my own,” she elaborated. “But you used the flames of Pyrrhus to call my essence into this world, so I’m bonded to him and he’s connected to you. That leaves me no choice but to assist you as a familiar would assist their Mistress.”

“Oh, right. Phyx,” I muttered and checked on him and Eira within my subconscious. Phyx was clearly asleep, his body curled up in his usual spot while Eira briefly opened her eyes at my focus.