Page 27 of Shifter Salvation

“He is fine, my child. Just as I am. Be at ease and focus on the conversation at hand.”

Thank you, Eira.

That really did give me some peace of mind.

“The supplement I gave includes a component that will invite a calming environment in your subconscious which will encourage the entities within you to rest if in distress or out of balance. I figured it would be a good idea before you venture to the Shadow Realms,” Nyx explained with a comforting smile. “How are you feeling, Darling?”

“Aside from being a bit overwhelmed, I’m pretty good,” I admitted with a smile in return. “Thank you for helping us.”

“It’s an honor to aid a Celestial and Dark Lord. Plus, you two actually respect me in comparison to having that lot of superiors who believe I’m some old hag who uses magic to look younger,” she huffed the last part and shook her head. “The stars are in your favor, and it's a perfect time to enter the Shadow Realms when the paths within the shadows are in alignment with the lingering Shadow Moon energy.”

“How are we going to venture into the Shadow Realms for a long period of time when it's so energy-draining on our bodies?” I decided to ask.

“I’ll show you,” she declared. “But first, let’s get you unhooked from that IV and get you both fed f. Besides, the two of you are still incomplete.”

“Incomplete?” I asked and looked to Asher, who answered, “Juniper and Axel aren’t back yet.”

“Oh. Right. Wait, where did they go?” I inquired.

A shift in the atmosphere was followed with a “whoosh” sound and then there was an eerie giggle.

“BACK!”Juniper cheered, and she was holding the biggest plushie I’d ever seen.

“Is that a giant blueberry?” I dared to ask. The thing looked like a massive bean bag with a little green leaf at the top of it. “And where did you guys come from?”

Axel peaked out from behind the massive plush, revealing some sort of hat with lights in the shape of fireworks that dangled from the center of the red hat.

“Well, we had a bit of a detour coming back from East Syndicate,” he announced with a big ass grin. “I promised Juniper a run in East Syndicate but Alpha Azu was summoned to help out with some volcanic eruption that happened close to South Syndicate so he said we could check the fair happening just steps out of one of his sectors just in case you two needed some more time, so we walked around and found a prize booth with this huge ass blueberry.”

“So you let her try to win that thing?” Asher inquired with intrigue.

Axel laughed and smiled even bigger. “What kind of man would I be to let my Little Pup struggle to win what she has an obsession with? I obviously beat the shit out of that water gun target contraception and won it for her.”

Juniper was already at the side of the bed and placed the massive thing on the bottom half of the bed.

“BLEU!”she proudly declared and looked at me with eyes that glimmered like blue stars.

“Wait. Did you pick that one because it reminds you of me?” I asked her and watched her nod before she was hugging me.

“Ma Bleu! Safe. Happy!”She squeezed me tightly before pulling back and pointing to Axel.“Fun!”

“You had fun hanging out with me on our date, Juniper?” Axel questioned with a smirk that actually made Juniper pout while her cheeks began to grow red.

She stuck her tongue out at him.


She was gone with a blink and crashing into me.

“A youngling Goddess of the Stars, Fate, and Time,” Phyrra announced. “You’ve intriguingly summoned some of the strongest gods and goddesses this shifter world has had the pleasure of upholding. It’s no wonder why so many are displeased with your growth and approaching awakening.”

“Approaching awakening?” I began. “And youngling Goddess of Stars, Fate, and Time? Juniper is a goddess like you?”

“Most certainly, Celestial,” she replied casually, like this wasn’t a big deal.

“B-But she’s my wolf,” I voiced. “Well, one of my wolves.”

“The two flaming wolves within you are a god and a goddess. I’m aware that you were not the one to summon Pyrrhus, and it's not my right to share why he was summoned and bestowed to your father, but the shy youngling that has returned is most definitely a goddess, and an extremely powerful one at that. It is why her flesh is as dark as the night sky and twinkles like the vast galaxy that holds all of our universes. Whether you remember creating her or not is not of importance, but you must accept that she is an entity that will grow very quickly into another strong ally,” she summarized. “With the right training, of course.”